Chapter two

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Saying goodbye to Alex was the hardest thing I've ever done in my life, especially after that day. I had to make a decision and contrary to what she thinks, it wasn't easy. It's been days since we spoke and if I say I don't miss her, I'll be lying. I feel it everyday. My relationship with Laura is... fine. Here in Germany everything is very different. Culture, food, people and I don't speak German at all. I'm not working and it's consuming me, Laura says she doesn't have to, but she works, there's a politics column in a famous newspaper here. The day she saw me talking to Alex on the phone she was furious, I'll never forget that...

- With Alex? Didn't you cut off relations with her??? YOU PROMISED ME BRADLEY!!!

I had never seen Laura like this. She was beside herself and I tried to calm her down and explain that Alex had called me drunk the day before, but that only made things worse.

- Don't ask me to be calm, Bradley, why did you answer?
- I DO NOT KNOW! I answered and talked to her, called her back, sent several messages and she didn't answer me. Did she call me to ask me to leave her alone, satisfied?

I could never tell Laura that I miss Alex, so she said she didn't know why she answered, because of the insistence on the messages, but I did, of course she did. All these days I've thought about calling Alex, but she's right, we'd better stay away, no matter how much it hurts.
The Morning Show I'm so sorry. I thought I wouldn't feel it, but that's not what happened. Did I make the right decision? I did, of course I did, if I didn't want to, I wouldn't have come, period. Laura spends the day outside, only comes back at night, and I don't understand why she stays away for so long. I asked the other day and we ended up fighting, she said I should be happy to be there with her instead of complaining. The truth is, Laura is no longer the one I've known for months.


He arrives tomorrow and I don't even know his name, where he comes from, whether he's young or old. I tried to find out by going through Cory's things, but I couldn't find anything. I'm feeling a flutter in my stomach, Bradley should be here, to start over together, but it's all over. I thought things would finally work out, but I was dead wrong. What's the point of making plans if you're going to destroy them in the snap of your fingers? For Alex, stop thinking about it, it's gone and there's no going back, it's looking forward. A new era will come to The Morning Show and I will live it with all my heart because I don't want to make the same mistake as before.
- Alex?
Cory entered my office without even asking permission.
- What is it? Did you unlearn how to knock on the door?
- He is here!!!
- Who??? I do not want to see anybody.
- Your new co-host, your new partner, he's here!
But wouldn't he arrive until tomorrow? I didn't even prepare for this meeting.
- Why didn't you warn me before, idiot??
- I didn't know either, he arrived by surprise and is waiting for you in the next room. He's super excited to meet you.
- I can not...
- Alex just go there and welcome him!
I got up and walked towards the next room, which will probably be his office, and stopped at the door.
-He lets me do this alone!
I knocked on the door and went inside. He's sitting in the chair, facing the window, his back to me. He is wearing a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up, he has strong arms, dark hair and big hands. He's fiddling with his cell phone. I pretended to cough so he would look at me.
- Hello? - I said, a little nervous. - Welcome to UBA and The Morning Show.
He slowly turned his chair around and I could see some of his face. When he was fully facing, he tossed his cell phone on the table and smiled at me. I didn't believe what or rather who I was seeing.
- Hi, Alexandra. Good to see you, time doesn't really pass for you! You're beatiful as always.
- Robert Beaumont, you haven't changed anything either. I can't believe it, it's you!
That French accent, speaking English makes my legs tremble.
- I'm very happy to be able to work with you, Alex.
I was silent, watching him, it can't be. So many people in the world and just Robert ended up here? He came out from behind the table and came over to hug me and I hugged him back of course. It was a mixture of euphoria, nervousness and happiness. I don't know why, but I was shaking and he realized, what a shame. We stayed like that, hugged for a few seconds and let go.
- It's been a long time!
- It's true, a long time...
We were awkward but at the same time happy to be together.
- Sit here, let's talk?
- Of course
I sat down on the couch and he sat beside me.
- You start, how are you, petit?
- Oh my God, do you still remember?
- How would I forget?
- it was all so fast, but...
- so strong right?
- Yes...
- I always wondered if I would see you again. Look where we ended up. You are married? Have children?
- I'm divorced and I have a daughter, Lizzie. You?
I am so happy that my new partner is Robert. Rediscovering him awakened such good things in me.
- Widower, father of two: Chloé and Marie. Chloé is a journalist and producer, has worked with me since the age of 17 and Marie is 3.
- I'm sorry for your loss, I can't imagine how difficult it must be with such a small child.
I took his hand, I TAKEN HIS HAND and he put his other hand on top of mine.
- Thank you petit. It was difficult, she died in childbirth, but we did it!
Him calling me petit, it's so cute, I love that nickname and I could stand here listening to him talk.

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