Chapter Three

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The UBA bosses called Robert to talk, he told me and I'm anxious to know what they want with him. It's been 3 days since Robert arrived and his debut is being prepared in the smallest details and I'm participating in everything up close. I never imagined seeing him again after so many years, but it was an incredible surprise.


Okay, I can't live like this anymore. With each passing day I get more depressed and unhappy, nothing makes sense to me here. The other day, I caught Laura fiddling with my cell phone and computer and I felt terrible about it. The busy life of New York, work and Alex ... She, especially her, I miss so much. I can't stay here! That's it, I'm going back to my house. I'll look for the closest flight I have. Saturday in 3 days! Great, that's where I'm going!


- Hey whats up? What did they want with you?
- They called me to be CEO of UBA and I accepted.
- But what about the...
- Cory was fired, no one knows anything yet, there will be a formal notice.
I knew Cory's job had been under threat for a long time, but I didn't think they would actually fire him. But I'm really happy for Robert.
- I know how much you like Cory, he brought you back. But you know, petit, it's a job everyone wants and I couldn't let you go.
- So you will no longer present the program with me?
- Nothing has changed, petit.
- I'm very happy for you.
Robert looks at me one way with that smile and that accent makes my body tremble involuntarily. He was getting closer and closer, until our faces were practically glued together.
- I missed you so much petit...
- I thought I'd never see you again. But now that I've found you again, I realized how much I've missed you.
Robert stared at me for a few seconds and then kissed me and I responded. I can't explain what I felt, but it was good, it was wonderful. When we broke the kiss, we were both smiling like teenagers, like it was the first time we'd ever done this.
- petit, do you remember the first time we met?
We were holding each other, unable to let go, not wanting to let go.
- of course I remember. On my trip to Paris, I had just turned 18 and it was my first trip alone. I was on vacation and you were in front of that restaurant. You introduced me to Paris, we spent these 60 days glued together.
- Our first kiss ...
- In front of the Eiffel Tower
- It was a very happy and intense 60 days. When you left, I was sad because you disappeared.
- I'm very sorry? Don't think I wasn't sad either, but I needed to go and leaving you was part of it.
- Petit, don't apologize to me. It was 2 months of our "relationship", there would be no reason for me to demand anything from you.
Oh, he doesn't hide any complaints from me, thank God.
- I remember when you called me petit for the first time, because I'm small next to you.
- For me you will always be my petit. And now, are we going to live what we couldn't live 32 years ago?
- Are you serious?
- Very serious! Petit, I'm crazy about you, give me this chance?
- Yes I want to be with you!
Robert was very happy and so was I. I can't let my happiness that's right in my face go away like that once more.

We decided to leave our relationship off, because of his debut on The Morning Show and him taking over as CEO so it doesn't look like it's cheap marketing. We are always together on and off the job, of course carefully. Today, he is here at my house, cooking for me. He picked up his cell phone, hit play, and started playing Elvis Presley's Heartbreak Hotel. We listened every day in Paris, Robert is a big Elvis fan. He started dubbing and dancing in my kitchen, making a mic spatula and I was mesmerized and having fun with it. He pulled me to dance with him and I rocked him and we kissed intensely. I'm so happy, how I haven't felt for months.


- Are you leaving? Why? Bradley I know I've been away lately, but please...
- Laura, no. I am more and more depressed and unhappy here.
- It's because of her, after you talked to her everything fell apart!!!
- It's not for her, it's for me! I thank you for everything, for all the moments that we lived, for you helping me find me, but it's been a while since things went cold and that's it. My flight leaves here a little while ago, I need to go. Be happy, Laura.
She watched me go, not chasing after me, not making a fuss, not begging me to stay. And now I'm very close to getting my life and my happiness back.
I got on this plane and I feel like I took a weight off my back. I'm going back to my house, to my job and I'm finally going to see Alex again, tell her everything I always wanted and needed to say, but I was a coward and I did it, said things that hurt her. But it's never too late to start over and that's what I want: restart everything.

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