[Love Live!] Uehara Ayumu x Reader : Jealousy

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Ayumu POV

Today me and my boyfriend L/N Y/N going to date and we have appointment at closest station from my apartment.

"Ah, it's him hey Y/N-" Before I greet him, I saw him with other girl around our age and he just patted her hair and it's look like Y/N very happy when he talk with her and it makes me kind of jealous. I turned back to go home and I feel I am going to burst my tears but he call me

"Ayumu!" He approach me and I don't see that girl with him "Did you waiting for me? I am sorry for being late" he smile and I try to hide my jealousy feeling with force smile

"It's okay Y/N-kun, I just came here"

"Really? Hahaha we arrive at the same time then. Let's go" He offering his hand and with hesitate I took it. How can he act like usual even though he just cheating on me

Along the way, he always telling story or joke but I only can reply it half-hearted and with yes or no answer and force smile. But, it kind of make me sad where I can't laugh together with him. Did he going to leave me? Why he cheat on me? Am I not good enough for him during the trip I only think of that.


Hm? it's look like something wrong with Ayumu but I don't have any idea. I realize it when during out date she just forcing her smile and always look down. 

"Hey, Ayumu. Let's sit at that park" I point at one of bench at park and she just nodded

"Are you okay Ayumu? Did you get sick?" I check her but she just shake her head and didn't say anything. Then, she suddenly hug me very tight and I wide my eyes. I know it when something wrong with her, she always hug me.

"So, do you mind telling me what make you sad Ayumu?" I asked while try to comfort her

"Please, don't leave me Y/N-kun. I know I am not good enough for you but please don't leave me because I love you Y/N-kun"

Eh? why she suddenly said that? "Why you said that Ayumu? You know I love you too so I never leave your side don't worry" I smile to reassure her

"At station, I see you with girl around our age... and you pat her head and look very happy when you talk to her..."

That's why at station she turned back before I approach her "Actually Ayumu, she is my cousin. Today my mother ordered me to deliver something to her and by chance she lived near station so I decide to meet her at station and give it to her about pat her head while it's what I usually do when she doing a great job but she hate it so I laugh it that's why I look happy. I am really sorry Ayumu I don't tell you about that and it make you sad"

Ayumu POV

I wide my eyes, how stupid I am, blind by jealousy and it makes Y/N feel sorry "Why are you apologize? I am the one who should apologize to you Y/N. I am sorry for being a bad girlfriend to you and broke our date" I look down

"It's fine. And, today I can see your jealousy and bold Ayumu version. It's very cute after Ayumu pyon!" He grinned while teased me

"Mou, Y/N-kun" I hit his arm playfully and we laugh together. After that, he stood up and held my hand to help me stood up

"Then, let's continue our date Ayumu!" He said and I nod while smiling. We continue our date with relieve feeling and happily

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