[BanG Dream] Hikawa Sayo x Reader : Mrs. Disciplinary

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Morning - Hanasakigawa Academy - Front gates

'Today is the day where I have to check student uniform and student neat since I am on disciplinary commitee. Not only to girls but the boys too. But, there is one particular boy that really annoying for me'

"Morning Mrs. Disciplinary" The boy greet Sayo with innocent smile

'That L/N Y/N, as far as I remember we always in the same class since first year and what annoyed me is he always use his uniform not tidy at all, his necktie is loosen up and never get tie it right. Not just about uniform, but he always ditch class or sleep but what make me wondering is how can he keep getting good grades'

"L/N-san, everyday you always not tie your necktie and buttom you shirt" Sayo scold Y/N and he just smirk

"Ara? Did Ms. Disciplinary don't have anything do so she always watch me everyday" Y/N smirked

"Wha- urgh..." Sayo try to hold her anger with inhale and exhale

"You got punishment point, next time I hope you can tidy yourself L/N-san" Sayo said while take a note Y/N point

"Hai~" Y/N give her salute then go to his class

"Hah...his not listening at all" Sayo shake her head in dissapointed

Afternoon - Hanasakigawa Academy - Classroom 3-A

"...then, substract with 2..." The teacher explain mathematic to student on blackboard and as always Sayo will write the explaination to her notebook but something catch her eyes when teacher shout something

"L/N-SAN!" The teacher shouted at Y/N who currently sleeping with his eye mask

"Hah?!" Y/N jolted make everyone look at him

"Come to faculty office at break time got it?"

"...okay sensei" Y/N sighed and continue to read lazily his books while Sayo just click her tongue

'Why can't he be serious? I hate it when someone do something lazily' Sayo thought while continue her work

Break time - Hanasakigawa Academy - Faculty office

"L/N-san! I hope you aren't sleep again on my class, your punishment point is almost make your out from this school. If you doing somethink like that again when I am teaching, I wouldn't see you again on the same class again got it?" Teacher scold Y/N and Y/N only looked down

"...I am sorry sensei, I wouldn't do that again" Y/N said with apologetic face

"Remember, you have a scholarship so if you got bad grades, you can't get it" Teacher remind him

"Hai~ sensei" Y/N nodded

Break time - Hanasakigawa Academy - Classroom 3-A

Y/N out from faculty office after being scold with teacher and decide to back to his class and take a nap until the next bell ringing, but before he take a sit on his desk, someone approach him with angry face

"Why can't you be a good student? Why you have to break the rule or doing something that make you got punishment?" Sayo said with anger tone "I hate it when someone doing something half heartedly" Sayo clench her fist but like always Y/N only shrugged it off and smirked

"Hm? If I am become a good student, I wouldn't meet Mrs. Disciplinary anytime" Y/N said teasingly and only add fuel on Sayo's fire

"What!?" Sayo exclaimed and want to punch Y/N in his face but he run away with his bag and decide to ditch class

"See ya! Mrs. Disciplinary" Y/N winked and leave Sayo widen her eyes

"That boy!" Sayo stomped the floor

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