[Love Live!] Sakurauchi Riko x Male Reader

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Afternoon - Uchiura


'Finally I am back after having final exam for this semester' L/N Y/N, Chika's cousin is back from Tokyo because he attend high school there and he will spend summer break at Uchiura.

Y/N take a breath will look at beach from Takami's front house *sigh* "I really miss this scenario, I wonder where is Chika anyway. I wanted to surprise her but Shima-nee said she attend her club at school, what kind of club she is right now?. Anyway, maybe I should walk around beach" Y/N decide to change into T-shirt and swim trunks because how hot is it in the beach.

Third Person POV

Afternoon - Uchiura beach

Y/N walk around beach then his eyes look at someone who he knew with her ahoge and orange hair it would be obvious that is Chika but she is not alone, it looks like she with her two friends doing some stretching 

'Isn't that Chika? Is this her club?' Y/N wondering before approach but somehow he stop his way to them since he recognized one of them. It's Otonokizaka pianist, Sakurauchi Riko. Actually, he already know her since they are on the same middle school and... she is his first crush but they are not on the same school again since enter different high school so he think he forget his first love. But, when he look at her again that feeling start to appear again

'How can she be more beautiful than before? No, Y/N! In her eyes you are just side character who is not important so she wouldn't remember you' Ren said on his thought and decide to approach them

"Chika!" Y/N greet Chika with his wide smiled and it makes Chika surprised that you in here

"Y/N?! When do you get here? Why you in here?" Chika attack Y/N with her rumbling question

*Sigh* "Welp, it's really Chika that I knew" Y/N sweat dropped "I just arrived when Shima-nee said that you attend your club even though it's already summer break and I am going to spend my summer break in here since I really miss Uchiura" Y/N crossed his arms with grinned then Y/N saw his other two friend that still standing waiting for Chika to introduce them to him

"Anyway, this is my my friends! and we are on the school idol club well not all member here since they have a planned but this is Watanabe You-chan and-" Before Chika introduce, Riko said something

"L/N-san?" Riko tilted her head 

'She remember me! Thanks god for giving me chance' Y/N screamed internally and happy that Riko remember his name

"A-ah..." *ahem* "Hello Sakurauchi-san" Y/N trying to stay cool since he want to impress Riko

"Eh? You two already know each other?" Chika asked

"Yeah, we are on the same middle school" Y/N rub his neck "How are you, Sakurauchi-san?" Y/N asked

"I am fine and you don't have to be formal L/N-san. You can call me Riko" Riko said with calm and sweet smile that make Y/N's heart melt

"T-then, you can call me Y/N..."

"Why are you so red Y/N?" Chika asked innocently while You know what happen to Y/N and only shake her head behind them

"I-It's because how hot the beach is!" Y/N try to hide his blushing 

They continue their activity while Ren just lay down under parasol, he tried to take a nap but his mind is full of how to get closer to Riko then he sighed

"Is something wrong?" Someone asked him and it's Riko herself that come to you

"Ah! R-Riko, no I am fine" Y/N just smile

"If you have something bothering, you can tell me anytime. We are friend after all" Riko smiled and Y/N can't help but staring at her face, realizing that, he shake his head

"O-okay! Thanks Riko" 'We are just friend huh...what a stupid Y/N. You shouldn't get your hope like that'  Ren look back at beach with disappointed feeling on his hearts 

Time skip...

Evening - Numazu

Y/N attend festival that being held at Numazu and gonna see Aqours performance since Chika invite him and... he want to see how Riko perform too. After, Aquors perform Y/N looked around festival alone

"Y/N-kun, you in here" Someone said behind Y/N and make him turned around and he can see Riko already change her clothes for perfomance with her flower yukata, she look so beautiful

"Where is the other?" Y/N asked

"Somehow we are split when we look around stall" Riko smiled sheepishly

"T-then, shall we going together" Y/N said nervously "I-If you don't mind..."

"Fufu, of course I don't mind. Then, shall we go?" Riko asked and Y/N nodded. What they don't know is they already being set by Aqours member especially Chika and You after You tell them that Y/N like Riko

"It's looks like the fireworks going to start" Y/N said to Riko "Let's find a nice spot to see them"

"Okay!" Riko answer and they find spot to watch fireworks and fireworks start to play and the sky look so colourful then Y/N saw Riko who had her eyes reflect the fireworks 

"I like you Riko..." Y/N said and he sure Riko wouldn't hear that since the fireworks it's quiet loud but he couldn't believe what he saw is Riko's cheek become red like she blushing or maybe because fireworks color so he have doubt but then Riko answer him

"I like you too Y/N!" She said loudly and make Y/N widen his eyes, his long time crush like he back

After the fireworks ended, they smiled to each other with blushing cross their cheeks and then Y/N kiss Riko with full of love and stop after few second because they need oxygen

"W-well, it's look like our feeling is mutual then I should say this. Will you going out with me Riko?"

"Yes! of course" Riko said happily 

'I am glad that you like me back Riko...' They walked home together hand in hand with happy feeling

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