[Love Live!] Shibuya Kanon x Male Reader : Blossom

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Afternoon - Park


*sigh* "I really don't have any inspiration!" L/N Y/N is an artist and right now he try to draw something at park since it's spring and nice at outside so he think he can get any inspiration but after came at park he really don't have any idea what he want to draw

"I give up..." Y/N decide to tidy up his draw tools and decide to buy a drink at vending machine and sit beside it

"It's weird why I can't get any inspiration..." Y/N said after take a sip of his favorite drink from vending machine and put it beside him. Then, someone walk to vending machine and buy same drink that Y/N buy

Kanon POV

*sigh* 'It's really hard to write music and I thought when I go to park maybe I can get some inspiration but here I am, still can't think any lyrics...' Kanon sighed while sit beside the boy she doesn't know while put her drink beside the boy's drink unconsciously

This two people are still brood over why they can't get any ideas. Then, they sip they drink again

After Kanon sip her drink then she look at her drink 'Hm? There is something wrong with this drink...Wait! It's not my drink because it's lighter. Then my drink...' Then, Kanon look at boy beside her who still sip her drink

"Ack!" Kanon stood up from her seat suddenly and make the boy spurt out because he is surprised and make him stood up too

"W-what's wrong?" The boy asked her with a surprise face

"That's my-" Before Kanon grab her drink, she tripped over her feet and make her lost balance

'I am going to fall!' Kanon close her eyes ready to take a pain because of her falling down but she doesn't feel anything

"Are you okay?" Someone said to her and make Kanon open her eyes, she can see the boy with H/C hovering her view and catch her with his arm. Kanon face become so red because she realize right now she is very close to that boy

"I-I am sorry!" Kanon stood up from their position and swap the drink then run away


"Hmm? That girl is so weird..." Then Y/N look at the drink and realized what happen

"Hah?! So I am drinking her drink?" Then Y/N face become so red too because he realized just now he kiss someone even though it's indirect kiss "Geez! How stupid I am but... She so cute..." Y/N though

A few days later...

Afternoon - School - Arts club room


Y/N stretch his body because his been sitting for a long time for drawing his art

"Oh, Y/N! What you draw right now?" His friend ask

"Sakura blossom" Y/N replied while still paint some sakura petal

"Sakura blossom? Why you decide to draw that?"

"I don't know, but someone just give me some inspiration to draw this" Y/N smile with little blush on his cheeks

"Ah...I see... Good luck with that" BF/N snickered and make Y/N cheeks feel so hot

"Thanks" Y/N said while rub his hair

"Anyway, you heard there are nice cafe that provide nice coffee and have nice interior. I think you will like it"

"Really? Maybe I will visit it after school since I need some caffeine after I done with this painting"

Time skip...

Evening - School - Arts club room

'Finally it's done!' Y/N finish his painting and look satisfied with what he done. Then, he looks at his wristwatch 'I think I have time to go to that cafe' Y/N tidy up his tools and keep the painting at club room

Evening - Shibuya cafe

"BF/N say the cafe around this corner...ah! Found it!" Y/N decide to enter the cafe and greet by the middle age woman

"Welcome, please take a sit while look around. You can call me if you already decide what you order" The middle age woman said before taking care other costumer

"Wah... It's quiet crowd...but, it have a nice atmosphere" Y/N thought then look at the menu. Then, there is someone who enter the cafe but Y/N not look up and still read the menu

3rd person POV

"Ah, Kanon you finally back. Can you help your mom?" The middle age woman asked her daughter to help her

"Okay" Kanon said while put the apron

"Good, oh yeah can you ask that boy what he going to order?"

"Alright mom" Kanon said before approach the boy but when she getting closer to Y/N table, she stop and gasped that make Y/N look up and surprise

"You are-" They said together and their cheeks blushed

"Well...I want black coffee please" Y/N asked

"O-okay, I'll be right back"

For the time being, Y/N remember what happen that day make him close his eyes and his half face because how too embarrassed when he meet Kanon and Kanon too that make her burn her hand a bit because spacing out.

"H-here your order, do you need something?" Kanon stutter and try to hold the pain from her burning hand

"Can you come here?" Y/N asked with hint of worry

"Okay..." Kanon look very nervous, then Y/N grab her hand gently

"Your hand burning are you okay? Did you apply some ointment?" Y/N asked and Kanon just nodded

"Good, now I want to say sorry for what happen at park" Y/N looked away from Kanon

"Me too, it's rude because I don't say thank you when you save me back then" Kanon said

"I am glad, now I want to introduce myself. My name L/N Y/N. Nice to meet you Kanon" Y/N said with gentle smile

"Wait, how do you know my name?" Kanon asked

*chuckle* " I heard it when your mom call you-" Before Y/N finish his sentence, he got mail from his parent to tell him immediately go home "Shoot! I don't have time to drink this coffee, sorry Kanon can you move the coffee to cup? Hah...I really want to chat with you again"

"Me too, today but it can't be help since I am busy too" Kanon said and immediately go to kitchen and move Y/N drink to cup but before that she have an idea and wrote something at coffee cup

"Here your drink Y/N-kun" Kanon said while give him the drink

"Thanks and I hope we can meet again Kanon. See you" Y/N said with a sad smile

"Don't worry we will meet again soon" Kanon said with confident while Y/N just raise his eyebrow then he walk out from cafe.

Evening - Street

While take a walk he sip the coffee cup and found something wrote on it

"+81xxxxxxxxxx this is my number and I hope you call me and continue our conversation this weekend at park while watching sakura blossom maybe? -Shibuya Kanon"

Y/N laughed "Yes, we will meet again soon Kanon..." Y/N walk away with warm feeling blossom on his heart

A.N Well, I know I haven't write some story for a long time (because right now I must attend college offline *cry*) but I hope you enjoy this story

Oh yeah, FYI this story I got inspiration from listening song Blossom by Ravi VIXX feat. Eunha their MV it's so sweet (I am into kpop song too) I hope you would listen to this song because this song is very nice and easy listening

Until then, see you!

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