[BanG Dream] Hazawa Tsugumi x Reader : She is...

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Afternoon - Haneoka Academy - Classroom 2-A

The students on their own desk with their business like study or anything because there aren't any teacher. But, there is student who only sighed and watch someone who sit at his desk with a few friends surround his desk

*sigh* Tsugumi sighed and look at L/N Y/N, the boy who sit at front of him laugh with his friend while sometime tease his friend.

Actually, Tsugumi never talk to Y/N. They only exchange words when is relate to class. But, at one point Tsugumi like him because he so admireable. He always help someone even though they are strangers and with his face and his H/C is definitely Tsugumi type but it's not just because that but he help her when she bring books from faculty office to her class because that day is her duty

Flashback On

'This books is quiet heavy...' Because how high the books stake make Tsugumi lost balance and almost fell but someone held her and pull her into his chest

"Are you okay?" Tsugumi look up and she saw the boy with worried face. She recognize him from the same class

"I-I am okay" Tsugumi said before release from Y/N and pick the books at floor

"Ah, let me help you. It's quiet heavy right?" Y/N smiled while took the books from Tsugumi

"Thank you L/N-san" Tsugumi said

"Don't mind" Y/N reply and they walk to their classroom together "If you need anything just said it to me okay?" Y/N winked

"O-okay..." Tsugumi look down because embarassed

Flashback off

"Tsugu, what's wrong? You've been sighed for a day" Tomoe asked when Afterglow approach her

"It's nothing! I just tired with the study hahaha" Tsugumi laugh dryly but with Moca sharp observation, Moca look at who Tsugumi saw and then smirk

"It looks like Tsugu like someone~" Moca tease and make Tsugumi flustered

"Really?! Tsugu, what Moca said it's true? Then who do you like?" Himari throw some question with curiously

"Eh?! Please don't speak too loud...I-it's L/N-san..." Tsugumi said with red cheeks
"B-but it's just one side love anyway, I am not sure he know who I am" Tsugumi smile sadly

"You should have some confidence Tsugu" Ran said with reassure smiled

"Hm! We will support you-oh how about we help you to get closer to him?" Himari said with full of energy

"Y-you don't have to Himari-chan"

"Tsugu right, we shouldn't interfere with her relationship. But, Tsugu if you want our help just ask and just you know we will support you!" Tomoe said

"Everyone...thank you" Tsugumi smiled. Then, teacher enter the class

"Okay everyone I have some group project assignment for you but I will form the group so don't expect you will have a same group with your best friend" The teacher said sternly. He start to form the group with consist only 2 people with calling

"...and the last group will be L/N Y/N and Hazawa Tsugumi. That's all from now and I give you one week to finish that assignment and give the presentation. If you have any question just ask me after school" 

Then the bell ringing "See you everyone and don't forget the assignment"

"...Hazawa-san" Y/N call Tsugumi make the name owner blush

"Y-yes?!" Tsugumi exclaimed make Y/N jumped but then he smile widely

"Fufu how cute..." Y/N chuckle

"E-eh?!" Tsugumi blushing hard after Y/N said that

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