[Love Live!] Yazawa Nico x Reader : With You

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This is request from Rtj555 I am sorry if it's take too long to write since I am busy with my real life. I hope you enjoy this chapter


*yawn* "Very sleepy indeed..." I walk on stair toward my apartment after school activity

"Y/N!" Someone wait for me on my front door

"Hm? Nico?" I mumble, she is Yazawa Nico or do I say my classmate. We've been classmate for 6 years since middle school and deskmate too. So, we are quiet close too.

"Where are you? I already search you everywhere" She said while frowning

"On school?" I said and she sighed

"Look!" She said while take out an items "I bought this idol concert ticket after some war with other fans" She said and show it to me

"Oh, lucky you. Well, be careful when you went to that concert. Bye.. " I said and went to my door but Nico block it

"Nope, you have to come! I insist" She said while pouting

"Hah, it's summer and it's must be hard to watch it because how hot it is" I am whine but Nico still insist

"You must come with me to become my bodyguard, what happen if someone harrased me or kidnapped me since I am an idol too"

"Then, why not invite your friends? The more the merrier right?"

*mumble* "...I just want to be with you..." Nico whispered and I can't hear it

"Hah? Did you said something?" I asked

"W-well..." She fidget her finger before exclaimed "Anyway, you have to come!"

"You are so persistent...All right. I'll coming"

"Yay- I mean. Finally, you surrender hmph!" Nico said proudly

"When is it?" I asked

"This weekend, I will wait you on your apartment entrance. Remember, don't overslept"


"Then, see ya!" She said waving before walk away

"It's really rare that she asked me to out with her..." I said before enter my apartment

Time skip...

Afternoon - Apartment entrance

No one POV

"Sorry for make you wait" Y/N said while rub his neck

"You are too slow! Anyway..." Nico embrace Y/N's arm make him raise his eyebrows

"Hmm? Why are you getting so close?"

"S-shut up, remember you are my bodyguard today and you have to listen my order" Nico said with blushing

"Alright alright princess" Y/N mock make Nico pout but they still continue their trip to concert venue at amusement park

Afternoon - Amusement Park - Concert Venue

"Hurry up Y/N!" Nico drag Y/N to find their sit

"Wah...there are too many people in here. Hey Nico be careful-" Before Y/N finish his sentence, someone push Nico and make her fell

"Hey you!" Y/N grab his collar and make him afraid

"I-I am sorry!" The man bow many times before Y/N push him away

"Are you okay Nico?" Y/N ask worriedly

"I am fine" Nico tried to stand but she scrape her knee

"Hah...you aren't okay at all" Y/N sighed but before Nico protest, he carry her and make Nico blush since many people saw them

"W-what are you doing?!" Nico didn't mind that Y/N carry her but on front of too many people it's make her embarrassed. But, Y/N didn't care what people think because he care to Nico

Then after they found an empty bench, Y/N put Nico at bench

"Just wait in here, I'll try to find aid kit from employee" Y/N run before Nico said anything

'He actually really care about me...' Nico thought when she saw Y/N ask the employee 'We are going to graduate and maybe we didn't meet again even we already been friends for 6 years now' Nico feel sad when she think about it, she realized that she really like him even though he always tease her.

"Alright Nico, I already found it- eh why are you crying?"

"N-nothing! Hurry up, you really are slow huh" Nico fold her arms

"Alright, geez you really are hot-headed" Y/N start to tend Nico wound, after that he put back the aid kit to employee and thanks them

"You can walk Nico?" Y/N ask

"Yes, I can..." Nico stood up from bench

"Here, use my arm"

"Okay..." Nico embrace Y/N arm and they going back to their house

Evening - Yazawa Residence - Front

"Thanks for walking me home" Nico looked away with blush on her cheeks

"Don't mind, anyway Nico" Y/N said with serious face

"Do you have a reason why you invite me to see idol concert even though it's rare to you to invite me" Y/N asked and make Nico nervously

"Y-you know that we are going to graduate right? So..." Nico still look away from Y/N "I want to spend time with you a little more before we separate..." Nico looked down and feel sad but she heard stiffled laugh from Y/N

"Why are you laughing?! I am serious" Nico pouted

"Pft, sorry Nico. I thought you are broken or something when you said that" Y/N said before he hug Nico and make her blushed hard

"Thanks Nico for all this year with me but I guess that you will stuck with me forever" Y/N said before he let go Nico and saw Nico with puzzled look

"Do you mean..." Nico really want to know why he said that

"I love you Nico" Y/N smiled and make Nico surprised, she surprise that Y/N confess to her

"W-well, I-I love you too..." Nico blush "I-I f you with me forever, you have to patient you know" Nico fold her arms

"Haha, you don't know how patient I am for sit beside you all this year because your rant" Y/N said jokingly and make them laugh together

'I guess I don't mind with you forever...' They though

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2022 ⏰

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