[Sekai Project] Tenma Saki x Male Reader

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A.N. It's been a long time since I am writing because I've been busy in real life, plus my writing skill kind of rust and get a writer block. This is not a requested chapter but I hope you still enjoy it.

Saki POV

Finally! I can go back to school since I am go to hospital because my ill and miss my middle school days so I should spend my youth time on my high school. And now, I have band with my childhood friend! That's fulfill my youth time!

*bump* "Aw!" I flinched and fell on my back, that's hurt my back very much. Before I look who is the one who I bump, someone hand extend toward me

"Are you...okay?" I look up and I can see the boy around my age because he wears high school uniform. His hair have H/L and H/C that really catching my eyes. I accept his help to help me stood up

"Thanks!" I said but he only silent and look daze when he look at me, I worry his broken because I bump into him

"Ummm hello?!" I wave my hand in front of his face

"O-oh sorry, I have to go" The boy immediately walk away from me with his disappointed face

"He is kind of weird but...why I feel like he is familiar?" I shrug and start to walk back to school. I can't wait to have a band practice after school!


After I feel like she can't saw me, I stop at the building corner "She is...Saki right?" I can't believe it, I found her again after all this years, I am very happy now that she is more healthy "Is she still remember me or not..." I asked myself, but if she remember me she would greet me early. I feel sad suddenly and walk to my school lazily

Saki POV

Leo/need having practice at school sekai but I can't shake this confusing feeling on my heart

"Is something wrong Saki?" Ichika asked me and it make the other saw me with their worried expression

"I am okay!" I said so they weren't worry again

"If you feel not good, we can stop our practice" Shiho said with her serious face

"Then, how about we having a break since we've been practicing nonstop?" Luka suggest and we agree to take a break

"It's looks like you have something on your mind Saki-chan" Honami said "It's okay, you can share it with us"

"Well, today I bump into boy and I don't know why but he is so familiar..." I describe how he looks to them and Ichika, Shiho and Honami look at each other and smile "Well, we have a friend on grade school who name is L/N Y/N don't you remember?" Ichika said and it's just struck me, that's why I know him

"I remember him! He help me when I feel dizzy at school..." I flashback on my year at grade school

Flashback On

As far as I remember, I played around school ground then someone help me because suddenly I feel dizzy

"Saki, are you okay?" The small Y/N ask me, I remember he is in the same class with me, Ichika, Shiho and Honami. We still considered him as our friends since he often play with us too beside his best friends

"I don't feel good..." I said while trying to make me stay wake up, then I saw Y/N squat in front of me

"Here, use my back so I can bring you to sensei" He said and then I wrap my arms around his neck and his hand hold my back knee so I wouldn't fell when he carry me, I really remember how warm is his back make me fell asleep. After that, he bring me to infirmary and call our teacher. He sit close to my bed and held my hand sincerely

What I remember is his promise

"I would always watch over you Saki, even though we are away from each other" He said with sad smile across his face

Flashback off

"After that I never meet him again since he move out..." I said while feel little bad since I forget about him

"Then, he must be already move back to here" Honomi said and I nodded

"I want to meet him, I really want to apologize and became his friend again!" I said with full of energy

"Fufufu, that's what Saki I knew" Ichika laughed and I couldn't help that I laughed too

After we practice, we decide to back to our world and go home. On my way to home, saw Y/N from behind him. He used his phone so he still not aware my presence. I surprised him from behind and he jumped

"Woah!" Y/N surprised and make his cellphone fell from his grasp "What- S-saki?" He look very surprised, I grinned.

"Welcome back, Y/N-kun" I said to him and I can see he furrow his eyebrows

"Ummm, I should be the one who said that..." He scratch his cheeks and smile. Somehow he is very cute and make me blushing

"Anyway, should we...catch each other over coffee?" He asked and I can't say no to him

"Of course, then let's go" I offer my hand and he take it. We walk together while reminiscing our childhood memories...

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