[Bang Dream] Yandere! Hikawa Sayo x Reader : I am Yours...

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A. N this is request from AmericanNomad8 I hope you enjoy this books and I am sorry if you not satisfied with this book since it's my first time make Yandere. Anyway, enjoy this book and enjoy your life...


I am L/N Y/N, just ordinary senior high school on Hanasakigawa. I am student council member and a friend with Hikawa twins but I am more close to Sayo since we attend the same school and I have a little crush on her.

However, something weird is bugging me. I don't know why but somehow Sayo became too overprotective I think. When I talk to other girls even her twins Hina, she always let out some kind of dangerous aura around him and sometime with quiet scary glare to my girls friend. But, I decide to ignore this feeling because Sayo is my friend and maybe it's just me being too sensitive or hallucination.

Morning - Hanasakigawa Academy - 3rd Classroom Hallway

"Excuse me, L/N-senpai!" The girl who in 2nd class greeted me with her smiled

"Yes? Do you need something" I asked and she asked how to apply help for club financial since they're club in trouble, I start to explain and look at their money sheet. But, somehow I feel cold eyes staring at me

Sayo POV

Hm? Is that Y/N with...a girl? Who is that girl anyway and why she get close to my Y/N! I watch them for a while and somehow that girl look very happy and laughed together with Y/N. That should be me on his side not her!

I decide to approach them and grab Y/N arms while glaring down at that girl

"What are you doing with Y/N?" I said with my cold tone so she knew who she is playing with

"Sayo?" Y/N tilted his head, oh how cute he is and how I want to kiss his lips passionately


"What do you need from Y/N?" I asked with my smiled but somehow my smile make her shiver, I wrap my arms around Y/N's arms, at first he became stiff because what I do to him but slowly he more relax but still with his questionately expression

"I-It's nothing!" The girl walk away from me and Y/N, I am glad she back away from my Y/N

"Ummm Sayo? Are you okay?" Y/N asked but I decide to grab his hand and bring him to empty classroom

"Eh..." He look around class awkwardly before I slam the wall beside his head and make Y/N surprised

I feel very jealous when someone get close to my Y/N. It's like my mind is having obsession for Y/N. I don't want to share Y/N to every girls even that girl is someone I knew. Only one way to make sure that someone wouldn't get closer to him is to watch over him. I know that I can't confessed my feeling yet since I am too scared to confess and I don't know if he liked me back but if I can't get him then everyone can't get him too.


Sayo walk closely to me until I bump into wall behind me and slam the wall beside my head make me flinched, I saw Sayo looked down make her bang cover her eyes.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked, then she look at my eyes

"Nothing" She said "Who is she?" Sayo asked but still with her cold tone that she use when speak to my junior earlier

"She? Oh that girl I talk early? She is our junior who ask as student council member to help her club financial problem"

"I see..." Sayo said while looked away, somehow I feel my answer didn't satisfied her. I wonder why?

"Sorry, I lost my cool out there" Sayo then smiled at me

"It's fine!" I said returning her smile with my smiled and patted her top head make her blushed.

Since then, I always feel like someone watch me from far away. I want to think that it's only my imagination but one day I found something make me shocked

Evening - CiRCLE - Studio

I went to Roselia's practice since Sayo invited me to their rehearsal before having concert at world fes

"Hello everyone" I greeted them since I already know all of them because I often look at their concert or rehearsal

"Yo, Y/N!" Lisa greet me with her cheerful personality and I am having conversation with the other too since Sayo is late I think but when she come in, she look very upset and there are some dirt on her clothes

"Hikawa-san... are you okay? You look... very upset..." Rinko asked

"It's nothing, I have some business so I am sorry if I am getting late" Sayo said while slightly bowed

Sayo POV

I can't tell them what business that I take care. I kind of carry away when I heard there is a girl that love Y/N so I meet her and give her some "advice" or do I say beat her a little bit that make her away from my Y/N. It's not worst wound or anything that make her died.


"It's okay, then let's start the practice" Yukina said and they start to practice while I sit at corner while look at them practicing but Sayo look very distracted

"Sayo-san~ are you okay? You look very distracted and out of rythm" Ako said and they all agreed

"Then, how about we take a break?" Lisa said

"What Lisa said is right Sayo, you need take a break" I said to make sure that Sayo want to take a break

"I think I can do that..." Sayo reluctantly agreed with them and they start to take a break

"Y/N come here and tried my cookies~" Lisa offering to me but before grab the cookies Sayo grab my wrist strongly make me and Lisa confused why she do that. It's kind of awkward and I can feel Sayo squeeze my hand very hard every second

"Hmm? Sayo why you stop me from grabbing a cookies" I asked

"Come with me" Sayo said with cold tone and somehow make Roselia member surprised and I just nodded

Sayo POV

I can't let them get closer to my Y/N anymore so I drag him away from them

I bring her to empty studio even though I am not book this studio, but I can't take it anymore. Everytime I look away from him, there is always a girl who surround her.

"Sayo?" He asked and I just look at him "Just tell me, why everytime I get closer to my girls friend you always appear and drag me away from them?" He asked confusedly

"It's because I want you to be mine only, I don't want to share you with other girl even that girl is my close friend" I said

"You are jealous? Or...." Y/N rub his back neck "Yandere?" He asked reluctantly

"Yes I am! I am too obsession about you. Every single time I always watch over you and make other girls back away so there is no one who get close to you beside me" I confess and he look very shocked


I thought I am just having hallucination about Sayo being too obsession with me or do I say yandere but I don't care what she is. I just love her.

"I am yours Sayo..." I said to her "You don't have to make other girls back away again or anything, my heart is belong with you already" I said with smiled and she hugged me tightly

"Yes...finally" She whispered in my ear "Now, you are mine Y/N..." She said and then kiss me passionately and I am of course kiss her back

"Yes, I am yours..." I said to her after our kiss

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