[Revue Starlight] Yumeoji Shiori x Reader

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I always a loner at my school, I don't really know why no one want to become my friends. But, there is much rumor about me like being delinquent, but I don't give it though and just be myself.

It's time to go home, I immediately pack my book to my bag and go home without glancing to my classmate or say goodbye to them since I don't really close to them

Evening - Street

*yawn* What a drag... Today lesson is very boring. How can I go to Siegfield? Well, my parents want me attend to Siegfield and I can got in because I actually pretty smart. Then, I look at girl who look scared because she surround with those thugs. I think I should help her

"Oy" I said with cold tone and glare at them. And it looks like they ready to punch me. But before that,  I grab that girl hand and put her behind me

"Oh~ someone want to play hero" They laugh and it make me annoyed. Then I look at girl "Can you look other way while close your eyes and your ear? " I ask her and she obey my order

"You know, I got bad mood right now and now I have to handle this rubbish" I said to them while ready my knuckle and it taunt them

"Shut up!" One of them punch me but I can avoid his punch and punch him on his face, then his got behind me then punch me on my face and it make cut on my corner mouth "what a drag..." I kick him and it makes him wrench in pain. And they flee from here.

Then I tap that girl shoulder "See you" I immediately go home after say that not wanting her answer

Shiori POV

"Why he leave quickly?" Then, I look at floor and there is student id and it looks like it's his id and from the class... Ah, he is my senpai. I think I will ask Yachiyo-senpai

Time skip...

"He is my classmate but he never talk to his classmate and usually go to courtyard" Yachiyo said while cross her arms then she smirk "Oh~ it looks like Shiori love at first sight"

"Eh? N-no I just want to give him his student id and say thank you to him" I said and I can feel my face very hot. Did I really like L/N-senpai? Well, I don't know why but I do love to be friend with him and when I know he don't have any friend in here, it makes me really want to be his friend.

"Hah~, I thought it' going to be interesting to tease you Shiori but you really become bold now since you join revue" Yachiyo-senpai smirked while I still blushing

"A-anyway, I have to go to L/N-senpai" I quickly go to courtyard to find him at one of bench and take a nap. When I look at him closely, he look peacefully and quiet handsome but is that wound on his corner mouth? It must be from yesterday. Then, he suddenly awake and look at me

"Sorry L/N-senpai did I wake you?" I asked and he look surprise


Wait a minute, I think I saw this girl before... Oh right! She is the one who I help yesterday.

"Here your student id senpai" She give me my student id. What a stupid, how can I drop this

"W-well, thank you" I said to her, when I look at her, she kind of cute... What am I thinking, I must leave before everyone start to make weird rumor about me

"Well, I gotta go. See ya!" I bid farewell but she stop me while tug my blazer

"Uhm...Senpai! Why don't we have a break together?"

What?! Is she didn't realize if someone she is together itu will make her look bad? "Why you talk to me? Other students usually avoid me because they believe bad rumor about me being delinquent or my father is gangster. You should do what people do when they around me" I said with cold voice at her, I don't really care is she angry or distance herself from me since I don't want her got bad rumour because of me but what surprise me is she smiles at me

"Senpai, I am sure you are not like what everyone say" She said while I gaped

"Why you said it like you know about me?" I scoff

"Because, if what they said it's true. You wouldn't help me... " She smiles sweetly and I can't help blushing

"Geez... You should be careful around me or you will getting weird rumour. But, thank you for saying that" I grinned and we start to talk and sometime laugh

"Then, can I become your friend L/N-senpai?"

"W-well... If you don't mind. And you can call me Y/N"

"Ah, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Yumeoji Shiori and you can call me Shiori. Y/N-senpai!"

3 month later...


It's already 3 month since we meet and at that time she tell me how she become Frau Jade, why she like revue and acting since she was child and her sister. And for those months I develop some feeling for her and wanting to protect her everytime

"Y/N-senpai...Is something wrong? You been spacing out a lot lately"

It's now or never! "Hey, Shiori can you turn away and listen to me?"
I said to her since I don't want her to see me blushing hard when I said itu

"Okay?" She tilt her head before turn away from me then I inhale and close my eyes

"Here we go, I... I love you Shiori. Well, I know I am not perfect and I am just ordinary student and anti-social too. But, I can't hold this feeling anymore. I really love you Shiori" I slowly open my eyes and I saw her already turn at me and tearing up, it's look like I am reject and lost her "I am sorry Shiori..." I walk away but she immediately hug me

"I love you too, Y/N-senpai. I love you since you save me" She look at me then I smile at him while wipe her tears "I am glad you feel same" I let my face closer to her face and kiss her, it's like my burden away for a few second. Then we look at each other smile, finally I am not a loner anymore. I have someone who always beside me even though there are many bad rumour about me and it's you Shiori

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