[Revue Starlight] Tsuruhime Yachiyo x Reader : Notice Me Senpai!

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A.N This is a request from @CrowesLuck I hope you enjoy this chapter


"Who is this?~" Someone said while cover my eyes with he/she hands. But, how slinder the fingers I guess it's a girl. Still, I don't know who is the one who belong this hands

"Sorry, I don't know who are you" I said to her honestly

"Senpai, that's rude you know not knowing someone that very close to you" She said while pull her hands from my eyes and I turned to look who is the suspect

"Oh, Tsuruhime-san" I said with my little smiled. I remember she is Akira kouhai.

"Senpai, I already told you that you can call me Yachiyo~" She said teasingly

"Hmm, sorry I kind of uncomfortable calling someone with their first name" I rub my nape

"But, you call Akira-senpai her first name" She pouted

"Well, it's because we have been friends for a long time so I kind of comfortable call her first name" I explained

"Anyway, Akira said that their is something wrong with sound system for stage. Can you show me where is that system sound that sound weird?" I asked her. I always help Akira when it comes to digital since she is not good with that.

"Then, I'll show you if you kiss me on the cheeks" She said teasingly

*laugh* "you are funny Tsuruhime-san" I said to her, she really like joking around. I put off my blazer and fold my sleeve

Yachiyo POV

Y/N-senpai is really the dense person that I know. He always think that I just joking around and tease. How can I get his attention? I already doing anything but he is very dense. I must very bold to get his attention and know that I really love him

"...done" He said while swept his sweat from his forehead

"Ah, Y/N-senpai. There is still sweat on your forehead" I said while point at her forehead and somehow he really sexy when he drench in sweat

"Hm?" He said while try to swept his sweat with his arm but I held it

"Let me help you senpai!" I said while bring my handkerchief to his forehead

"Aren't you...too close Tsuruhime-san?" He said. It's what I want senpai, to get closer to you but I decide to hold my desire and back away from him

"Sorry, senpai! It's because you are quiet tall so I have to get closer to your body" I said half lying "You really have a muscular body senpai~" I teased

"W-well. Thanks..." He said while look away, did my hard work get pay off? I just saw him blushing because my praise. Right, I have to work hard for getting his attention

"Anyway, I should go. Bye!" He said while left


Why my heart is pounding hard when Tsuruhime-san too close?

Time skip...

Afternoon - Shopping Mall

Yachiyo POV

I go to boutique because I want to look clothes that trend this week. When I look around, I saw Y/N-senpai with the girl around my ages. Without realize, I found myself follow them around the mall until some point they part away

"Eh? Tsuruhime-san" Y/N-senpai greet me when I let my guard down

"A-aah hello Y/N-senpai!" I smiled sweetly

"It's rare to meet you on the weekend without your uniform, and you look pretty with it" He smiled and that make me surprised since he rarely praise me or anything like that

"Ara~ senpai, are you fell in love with me?~" I said teasingly and kind of hope that he answer yes

*mumble* "Maybe..." Y/N-senpai mumbling but I can't hear anything

"Did you say something Y/N-senpai?" I asked

"Nothing, anyway how about we hang out a bit before we back-oh sorry maybe you are too busy since you going to have a stage play so you have to train" Y/N-senpai brush his hair "Then, see ya!" He said before left but I grab his wrist. It's my chance to improve our relationship to next level

"I don't have anything to do today so let's go to coffee shop! I want to know you better senpai" I smirked

"I am glad that you have a free time. Well, I knew cafe with best house blend. I always like coffee so I knew which one is the best coffee" He said proudly, so he like coffee too

"Then, let's go!" I cling into his arm

Afternoon - Coffee Shop

"So, how is it?" He asked after I take a sip and his right

"It's good" I said and he smiled while sip his coffee

"Senpai, who is the girl with you earlier?" I asked since I am curious and kind of jealous

"Oh, she is my little sister. She ask my advice for what present she should give to her boyfriend that's why I am on shopping mall. How about you? Why you visit shopping mall?"

"I just walk around and went to boutique to see what clothes that trend for this week" I said, I am glad that girl is just his little sister

After we empty our coffee, we go to cashier to pay but Y/N-senpai pay it off already and we go out from the coffee shop

"I guess this is where we must part away and thanks for hanging out with me" Y/N-senpai said after we arrived at station

"Next time we should hang out again senpai~ or we should call it date~" I smirked and senpai smiled

"Maybe, you right..." Senpai take a step closer to me and lean down to kiss my cheeks. I blushed knowing that it's Y/N-senpai that kiss my cheeks. I thought he is the type who doesn't take initiative when it come to something like this. I froze in my place while put my hand cheek

*chuckle* "I know it..." Y/N-senpai said. What does he mean by 'know?'

"S-senpai?" I asked, the Y/N-senpai that I thought is very dense is someone who pretty sharp

"I know it that you always trying to get my attention and congratulations you get it. I fell in love to you Yachiyo" He said with blushed. I am not dreaming right? And just now he call my first name so he feel comfortable with me?

"I love you Y/N-senpai..." I said with my honest feeling not like usual when I want to him notice me with my tease. I guess my effort is really work to make him notice me...

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