[Love Live!] Takami Chika x Male Reader : 1000% Positive

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Evening - Ryokan


My name is L/N Y/N I am quiet shy person, even I sometime stutter because I am nervous especially today I have to visit Takami ryokan to give them mikan since my father is a farmer and having mikan groves so he usually sell it and give a few of it to his friend and that's why I am here since Chika's father is my father's friend. I am happy and nervous at the same time because I can meet Chika.

If you wondering why I am nervous just because I meet Chika because I have a crush on her. I love her since my father introduce me to her when we on middle school until now.

"Oh, you here Y/N-kun!" Chika said when she enter ryokan or I should said it's her house then she got closer to me

"Y-yes, I am here because father send me to give mikan" Why am I stutter when we got this close. Keep calm Y/N!

"Mikan!" Chika exclaimed while took some of mikan and eat them with one gulp

"Chika! You should eat it like a lady. *sigh* You will never get a boyfriend if you eat like that..." Shima-nee scold Chika

*gulp* "Wha-" Chika pouted then look at me "Nee, Y/N-kun~" Chika called me

"Y-Yes!?" I asked nervously

"What do you think with girl who love to eat?" She asked with sparkly eyes

"I-I think it's fine..." I don't really care about type anyway but what Chika do is always look cute in my eyes, that's so weird but love is blind huh...

"See? Y/N-kun who is boy say it like that" Chika said to Shima-nee

"Well of course his going to agree with you, it's because he-" Before Shima-nee mentioned that I like Chika since she is the first one who notice that I like Chika. I cut her conversation with Chika

"A-anyway! My dad said I must immediately back since he order me to deliver mikan to other people again. So, see ya!" I run from Ryokan

Chika POV

"Why he looks like running away from something?" I asked Shima-nee

"It's because you Chika" Shima-nee smirked

"Me?" I raise my eyebrows

"Well, it's your job to find it. I only give a hint" Shima-nee said while take the mikan cardboard to put it to kitchen

"Hmmm I wonder why he always like avoid me..." I wondering, we always close to each other since middle school and play together with You or not since You always have a swimming competition. I decide to asked Riko-chan, I run to my bedroom and call Riko on balcony

"Psst, Riko-chan" I call from the balcony, it's looks like she still awake since her bedroom's light still on

"Chika? Is there something you need?" Riko said while walk to balcony to meet me

"I want to ask you something"

"Okay?" Riko-chan said and I start to tell what happen between me and Y/N then why Y/N always avoid me

"Fufu, I think I know why he do that" Riko chuckle while I just tilt my head don't know what Riko-chan means

"Geez, Riko-chan..." I pouted

"Hahaha, sorry Chika. It's your first time to asked me advice beside our club or friends" Riko swept her tears because she laugh too hard "Then, what do you feel when you close to Y/N-san?" Riko-chan asked and I think for a second. What I really feel about Y/N-kun. Sometime there is always time where I feel flutter just being with him

"Chika-chan, you are blushing..." Riko said while smirked

"R-riko-chan, I always feel this warmth feeling when I am with Y/N-kun. He always make me safe just being with him..." I know this feeling and I am very surprise that I have fall in love with Y/N-kun

"Then, do you know what it means?" Riko asked and I nodded happily then run to my door

"Where are you going Chika-chan?!" Riko-chan look very surprise because what I did

"I am going to tell him that I really love him and thanks for remind it Riko-chan!" I grinned before go to downstair and use my bike to chase Y/N-kun. I bike my bicycle as fast as I can then at the beach I saw Y/N-kun. I take off from my bicycle and run to him

No one POV

"Y/N-kun!" Chika yell when she saw him sit at deck, he look very surprised

"Chi-" Before he said anything, Chika grab his necktie since he still wearing uniform and kiss him on the lips, at first he widen his eyes then he close his eyes and accept the kiss, they start to away because they need an oxygen

"Ch-chika-chan!" Y/N cover his face with his hands and look away from Chika-chan "D-don't look at me! I am very messy right now..."

"Heh~ why?" Chika asked teasingly

"Y-you kiss me s-suddenly..." Y/N touch his lips remember what he did with Chika early

"It's because I love you silly! And, I am sorry if just realized it"

"Do you really love me back?" Y/N asked since he doesn't have any confidence

"I am 100%- no 1000% positive that I love you Y/N-kun!"

"I-I see..." Y/N frowned became smile knowing that Chika love him "T-Then, I have to properly say this..." *breath in* "Chika, I really like you. Can I be your boyfriend?" Y/N asked while bow and extend his hand toward Chika. Chika accept his hand and smile to him

"Of course! I would" Y/N smile more widely after Chika said that and pull her into his embrace

"I am 1000% positive that I love you too..." Y/N whispered and they spend time together...

A.N I am really have a writer block lately, do I have to open request? Well, anyway I hope you enjoy this episode and enjoy your life...

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