[Revue Starlight] Kagura Hikari x Reader : My Future Stage Director

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A.N this is request from EzioAltair115 I hope you enjoy this chapter


I am L/N Y/N. Since I am children until now I have a dream to became stage director because I want to help my childhood friend to achieve their dream to became stage girls and performance "Starlight"

Morning - Seisho Music Academy - School Gates

"Y/N!~" Someone greet me when I almost reach school gates and it's Aijou Karen, my childhood friend and the reason why I attend this school so I can became a director for stage

"Hey Karen, I heard your class gonna have a new student that transfer from England" I asked

"Really? Hmmm I don't hear about that" Karen smile sheepishly and I sighed

"You should aware about that Karen" I shook my head

"Anyway, I should go to my class. See ya" I said to her

"Bye-bye, Y/N!" Karen said cheerfully

Somehow, England is remind me of someone that I knew on my childhood days beside Karen. But, maybe it's just my imagination for hoping she back to us, to me and Karen.

Time skip...

Break Time - Seisho Music Academy - Hallway

After the class end, I start to go to vending maching on hallway. I press one of my favorite drink on vending machine, When I take a drink someone surprise me make me spit my drink

"Y/N!" She slap my shoulder that make me surprise then spit my drink and I know who is the suspect

"Kar-" Before I complete ny sentence, my eyes catching someone that I miss very much "Hikari..."

"I think you shouldn't do that to him Karen. Hey Y/N, it's been a long time" She said with smiled, I really want to hug her right now but I hold it since it will be too embarassed in front of other student.

"Yeah...it's been a long time indeed" I said while rub my chin "How about we chat at the bench on school ground to catch on?"

"Heh~ you only invite Hikari-chan?" Karen pouted

"Maybe yes, since you almost make me choke back there" I rub my neck while teasingly Karen

"Sorry~~" Karen said jokingly and we laughed together while walk to the place.

Break Time - Seisho Music Academy - School Grounds

Hikari start to tell us how she go back to Japam and attend this school and her promise with us, bell ringing the signs of where we should back to our classroom. Somehow I hate it a little since I have to part away from then since I am on different class but it's okay.

"Then, see ya Karen, Hikari" I said to them before going back to my class

Time skip...

Night - Seisho Music Academy Boys Dorm

I can't sleep tonight so I decide to out from my dorm and walk around garden that connect to boys and girls dorm. When I go to one of bench, I saw someone back and with her black smooth hair I recognize that is Hikari

"Can't sleep?" I said, surprise her a little but she shrug

"Yeah..." She said shortly and I decide to sit beside him, I saw her hold an script book

"You really love stage huh Hikari? I even can picture you as someone who always bring her script book no matter where she goes" I said while pointed at her book

"Oh this is my script book collection. Well, you right I love the stage so I hope I can stood on the best stage" She said with smiled

"I hope I can support you and help you Hikari, that's why I want to became stage director one day" 

"Then, why don't you became a performer?" She asked and I rub my chin and think for a second then shook my head

"I don't really think that I can do that, I prefer support from behind curtain than on the front" I said while smiled

"How about try it? Here" She give her script book to me

"The Seagull" I read the cover "It's about the writer and artist right? Then how about you became the artist while I am the writer?"

"Okay. You can read the script, I already remember the dialogue" She said

"As expected from one of the best stage girls" I said praise her and she blushing

*ahem* "...Your found your destination already huh..." I said while try to act became the writer that have unrequited love with the artist, that's quiet sad.

"I am an artist and you are writer! We are drawn together by the whirlpool of our talent!" Hikari said with her act as the artist

"Then, what about my love for you?! Where it will end up at?"

"It's too foolish to put love before  anything. But, talent is different. There is only one path for us to walk down"

"....." The writer or me bit my lips after hearing what the artist or Hikari said that. What happen to them are really going to happen to me and Hikari? The unrequited love of writer that love his artist

"Goodbye, my love. I don't see any other road for me to became the artist..." Hikari continue her dialogue

"Don't go!" I said

"It will destroy our talent" Hikari said

*sigh* "Goodbye, my love. I wonder when our destination start to different..." I said while tears start to drip down from my eyes and we stop our acting

"Y/N, that's really good acting you got there" Hikari smile proudly and I smile while swept my tears with my sleeves

"But, I don't like this dialogue..." Hikari said while looked down

"Why?" I asked

"If you became stage director and write a script someday while I am became an artist..." She bit her lips like she gonna hold not to break the dam of tears from her eyes "Can we together? I am afraid with what happen like that dialogue" She said

I scoffed and smirked "What are you talking about? Of course I'll behind you as a best friend and your stage director!" I reassure her but she shook her head

"Not like that. I...I love you, you know. I want to be the one you dearest most and always stick close to you..." Hikari confess and I surprise with this sudden confess

"I love you too Hikari, and what you should know is there isn't someone or something that will apart us..." I hug her and kiss her top head, her hair is still smell good like in the past when we still a children


"Yes, I promise to always behind you as the stage director or your boyfriend" I break our hug and kiss her tenderly.

"Let's bring the best stage ever Y/N my stage director..." She said

"Yes, my love..." I said and she blushed

A.N Well, I just read The Seagull script at the past so maybe it's not like the real one because I kind of forget the play. So, anyway I hope you all love this chapter

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