[Bang Dream] Kurata Mashiro x Male Reader : My Promise

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A.N Just imagine if Tsukinomori is not all girls school and there is male students too

Third POV

"Mashiro-chan!" A male student call L/N Y/N with his H/C sway around running at school courtyard while waved his hand to Mashiro with Morfonica from far with grin on his face

"Hello everyone" Y/N greet them and they answer him too, then Mashiro asked why he call her

"Y-Y/N-kun? Is something matter?"

"I have been chosen as regular player for this weekend soccer competition from other school, can you came to support me?" Y/N asked Mashiro with his puppy eyes

"T-this weekend?" Mashiro give it thought before answering "I-I think I can" Mashiro said with little smile

"Yes! I'll be waiting- oh right I will send you where I will have a match" Y/N pick his phone from his trouser pocket "See ya Mashiro-chan! " Y/N left before Mashiro replied him

"He is quiet energetic one. He always said something that straightforward. Until now, I can't imagine how Mashiro-chan can get close to someone like him..." Tsukushi said with sweat dropped

"But, he quiet popular. Many girls like him because he athletic and have a handsome face. How can you know him Shiro?" Touko asked

"W-well, first he seat is beside me and he always try to talk to me, he also sometime help me study. I think that's why we can be f-friends?" Mashiro thought and she can feel her cheeks became hot whenever she think or talk about Y/N

"Heh~ it's looks Shiro-chan fall in love with Y/N" Nanami smirk and Rui just nodded with no emotion

"EH?! No way... I-I mean Y/N-kun is popular, always kind to others, smart and athletic but I am just ordinary student..." Mashiro looked down and make them looked sad too beside Rui

Time skip to weekend...

For a week Mashiro always spacing out
since she realized she have some feeling for Y/N but she tried to denied it since she know she just ordinary girl and Y/N is literally really popular boy at Tsukinomori.

"-shiro-chan, Mashiro-chan!" Y/N already call for a few times

"Eh?! Ah, Y-Y/N-kun why you here? Don't you have to prepare your match?" Mashiro ask

"I would like to see you first" Y/N grinned "Anyway, geez I call you for a few times but you just spacing out. Is there something bothering you?"

"E-eh... N-nothing I just confused where I have to sit?" Mashiro lied

"Just sit everywhere! Make sure you see me when I score a goal!" Y/N smile and make Mashiro blush

"O-okay, then see you..." Before Mashiro walk away, Y/N pull her into hug

"Y-Y/N-kun!" Mashiro surprised and blushing hard at the same time

"I need lucky charm to do this..." Y/N said with hint of little nervous before let go Mashiro "Just wait for me okay? Anyway the match going to begin I have to go to my teammate" Y/N walked away

"Y/N-kun...? It's so unusual he look nervous..."

The match start with referee blow the whistle, the match looks so intense. Y/N team is very good team but the other team too is doing their best to beat his team

'If we like this forever, we can't win' Y/N thought will scanning where he must pass the ball, but before he pass the ball to his friend someone tackle him and make him fell

"Tch" Y/N click his tongue and start to run again

Mashiro POV

'Is Y/N-kun okay?' Mashiro look worried because Y/N fell down 'I hope Y/N-kun can win this match' Mashiro pray hard when she saw Y/N play

Time almost over and there aren't any team who make a goal and Y/N look so tired from intense match

'Y/N-kun look so tired, I should support him more' Mashiro start to take a breath 'I never do this and I don't know if this can make him keep up but I hope he heard me' "Y/N-KUN! DO YOUR BEST!"


'If I can't make a score, I can't confess my feeling to Mashiro. But, my stamina already limit' Then, Y/N can heard Mashiro loud voice "Y/N-KUN! DO YOUR BEST!"

"Mashiro-chan..." Then, he start to smiled again "Right, I can do this! Everyone break a leg!" Y/N said to his teammate and make them keep up their spirit. He start running to goal post then his team mate pass the ball to him and make Y/N make a goal, before other team fight back the referee whistle mark the end of match

Third person POV

Time skip...

Evening - Neighborhood street

Everyone cheer for the winning but Y/N decide to catch up with Mashiro "Mashiro-chan, let's go home together"

"Eh? Didn't you have to celebration with you teammate?"

"Well, I already thousand time doing that and thanks to you we can win because your support" Y/N proud as he usual do then they silent again but not in uncomfortable way. They see sun start draw away and the sky look so orange with the wind slip away from their hair

"Mashiro-chan- no I mean Mashiro" Y/N start talking again with serious and that surprise Mashiro because it's really rare Y/N speak to her with serious tone and without -chan suffix

"Y-yes?" Mashiro said while tilt her head

"You know, today I make promise well not with someone but with myself" Y/N said while look straight to Mashiro and make their journey pause


"Hm, I make one promise if I can make a goal, I will confess my feeling to someone I knew for a long time" Y/N rub his back neck

Mashiro feeling down because she thought she doesn't have any chance to be close to Y/N again but what she don't expected she feel something touch her lips and to make her surprise again it's Y/N's lips that kiss her. After one kiss, they stare at each other with blush on their face

"I love you Mashiro! I really love you so can I become your boyfriend?"

"I-I-I..." Mashiro stutter and can't think straight

"It's a no huh..." Y/N looked down

"N-No! I-I mean do you think I can be the best girlfriend for you? I am just ordinary girl..."

"Of course, I don't care if someone said you just ordinary girl. In my eyes you really special for me!" Y/N grinned

"Then... I want to be your girlfriend too..." Mashiro smile with little blush

"YES! Today is really a great day we have to celebrate it with our first date!" Y/N exclaimed

"E-eh?! Right now?" Mashiro asked

"Yes, come on" Y/N hold Mashiro's hand and they start they first journey together as a couple

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