[Blue Archive] Hayase Yuuka x Reader : Worth Than Anything

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A.N This is my first Blue Archive fanfic our first waifu in this game Hayase Yuuka and request from Gamerz7118 I hope you enjoy this chapter


"Wow, those action figure really cool!" I said to sensei in his room because me and sensei have a same hobby that is like collecting action figure but since Yuuka, my girlfriend organize my income so I can't buy expensive action figure.

It's not like I hate it when she do that but somehow I want to reward myself sometime by buying action figure.

"Where do you buy this sensei?" I asked

"Well, I buy this on Bendai Numco official store. Maybe, I should bring you there" He said. But, I hesitated

"It's okay. I don't think would buy anything right there since my monthly expense is quiet tight this month" I scratch my head while smile sheepishly "And, I am sure Yuuka wouldn't like it if I buy something that would sacrifice my money for food"

"How about you just take a look there with me since I want to buy something there" He said, maybe just look won't hurt me anyway

"Alright sensei, count me in!" I said and we go to shopping mall

Afternoon - Shopping Mall - Bendai Numco Store

Wow, this place is huge! I look around and saw my my favorite anime Duragon Bull Z have their limited edition actiom figure

"What do you think about this place" Sensei smirked

"This place is really heaven!" I said excitedly while sensei just laugh and approach one of stall to buy that limited edition Guko from Duragon Bull Z that I just saw and I kind of want to buy it

"This action figure only 300 in this world" Sensei said proudly and I just saw the price then widen my eyes

"3-300.000 Yen!??" I shocked with how much this price, I never touch money that much! I gulped and somehow my body begin to shiver

"Y/N-kun, what are you doing in here?" I heard someone voice behind me and when I turned, it's surprise me. It's Yuuka!

"I-It's not like what you think! Sen-" I turned to sensei but he isn't here! I gulped and turned back to Yuuka who already cross her arms and upset. Then, she out from store and I chase her after I put the action figure back to stall

"Y-Yuuka?" I call her

"Didn't you say that this month you don't have enough money for buying anything expensive?" She said

"Look Yuuka, it's not me-" Before I finish my sentence, she walk away leaving me *sigh* "What should I do?" I rub my nape in frustration

Time skip...

Afternoon - Millenium Science School

*sigh* "I already search around school and couldn't find her. She is really avoid me huh..."

"Hello, Y/N" Sensei greet me happily bit I squint my eyes and feel upset after he left me

"How rude sensei, you are leaving me" I frowned and sensei smiled sheepishly

"Hehe, sorry Y/N. I have some urgent so I left you two"  I am sure he just want to avoid Yuuka yell since Yuuka usually look at his invoice.

"By the way, I meet Yuuka on the way here. She just enter her room" Sensei said while I dumbfound, how can he know I search her

"Surprise heh? Don't worry I cover your grave if anything happen. Ciao!" He left, I sighed before walk toward Treasurer's room

Afternoon - Millenium Science School - Treasurer's Room

I prepare myself before get yelled from Yuuka then knock the door toward her room. It's weird, no one answer. I tried open the door and it's not locked.

I can saw her getting sleepy on her desk since she doesn't aware I am here, then a moments later she fell asleep on her desk

"It's look like she is exhausted" I whisper since doesn't want to wake her. I look around her room and it's like wrecked ship. I fold my sleeve and decied to tidy her room and help her work while she take a rest

Time skip...

Yuuka POV

I flutter my eyes and then widen my eyes knowing that I fell asleep and don't do my accountability report and it's due today. I look at the report and it's already done...then I look around my room it's so tidy and clean even my weapon it's being maintenance already. Someone must slip to my room and doing this, but who?

"You already awake?" Someone enter my room and I knew who is the one who finish my report and clean my room

"Y/N-kun, are you the one who clean my desk and finish my report?" I asked

"Y-yes, did I do something wrong on your report?" He said nervously, somehow I feel guilty because ignore him just because I thought he buy something expensive but sensei said that he just accompany him to visit the store

"No..." I approach him "I am sorry for ignoring you and not listening your reason why you go to that store" I avert my eyes and feel embarassed for what I am doing

"Yuuka, are you not mad at me again?" He asked and I shake my head, then I feel he embrace me since suddenly I feel warm on my body and my heart. He never failed to make my heart fluttering

"You know, you can buy anything you want and I am not going to intrude again" I said then he back away and look at me with smiled

"Nah, I am very thankful that you help me manage my money and..." He kiss my cheeks make me blushing hard "Spending time with you it's more worth it than anything in this world" He said "Well, still maybe I use this chance for buy those action figure. Just kidding!" He said jokingly

"Mou..." I pouted then smiled knowing that we end this misunderstanding

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