[Revue Starlight] Yumeoji Fumi x Reader x Tomoe Tamao : Congratulations

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"...our relationship end here..." Fumi looked down don't want to saw L/N Y/N, the boy she still loves with his sad face

"Why?" The boy only answer with hoarse voice trying to hold his tears

"Because...I would like to pursuit my dream to become the best stage girls"

"So, until now you became stage girls it's not enough for you?" At this time, Y/N really want to walk away from this situation but he can't, it's already happening now and he only clench his fist knowing that he can't do anything to fix that

"Yes, and our relationship only became obstacle for my dream" Fumi said it, she know it will break Y/N's heart but it's the only way to do that because she doesn't want to burden Y/N with her problem

"I see, I will support your dream and thank you for giving me chance to loving someone" Y/N give her last smile even though it's the sad one and walk away from Fumi

Flashback off

The alarm woke Y/N up from his sleep *yawn* "Another boring morning" Y/N said while get up from bed and go to bathroom to clean himself and take a breakfast before going to his school, Rinmeikan High School. He decide to have different school from his middle school is Siegfield Academy since he doesn't want to saw her again and move on...

"Well, it's enough time to sad. Move on Y/N!" Y/N slapped himself and depart to Rinmeikan (Just assume that Rinmeikan is an general school so there is a boy student)

Morning - Rinmeikan High

"Morning Y/N-kun" Tamao greeted Y/N with full of spirit

*yawn* "Morning Tamao. You got a full energy right there" Y/N greet her back, 'Tamao is my first friend when I attend Rinmeikan even though we are on different department, we meet when I bump to her at the other day and now become my best friend'

"Of course. We have to train this morning"

"Oh, good luck! And... I am praying that performance department won't get close" Y/N scratch his cheek

"Thank you Y/N-kun..." She said while smiled warmly to Y/N

'She is so pretty...' Y/N thought while looked away since he doesn't want Tamao saw his blushing

"Anyway I have to meet the other, see you later Y/N-kun"

"B-bye" Y/N slightly raise his hand to wave at Tamao

"Well, it's time to go to my class..." Y/N said lazily

'The class is boring too' Y/N thought while playing with his pen at his desk. He not paying attention to teacher until teacher said something

"Ok student, today we have transfer student. I hope you can be her friend"

'It's a girl?' Y/N looked around the class and the student start chattering

"I bet she is very cute"

"Maybe, she is pretty..."

"I hope we can be her friend"

Teacher look at outside "Please, come in..." The new student enter the class and make Y/N widen his eyes

"Fumi..." He whisper to himself and try to looked down so she can't saw his face. 'Why she transfered here? Isn't Siegfield is the best school for support her to became the best stage girls? Plus she transfer to general department' Y/N thought

"You can sit beside...L/N-san" He pointed to desk beside Y/N. He can hear the footstep toward the desk beside me but he still looked down

"Sensei, I sit in here right?" She asked teacher, Y/N know her voice very well until now.

"Yes, please sit down while I will continue our lesson" He said to Fumi

Y/N started to look back at desk beside him, it's looks like she doesn't care who sit beside her so Y/N decide to back to his position and looked at the teacher who explain the lesson.

Y/N eyes sometime wandering to desk beside him or let's say Fumi's desk.

'She look same after all this year but her features is more gorgeous'

The bell ringing as a sign that students have a break time, Y/N look at Fumi's desk again and it's look like she been called by teacher for something. He sighed in relief and stood up from his desk. His friends approach him

"Yo Y/N! Why are you look so dejected?" Y/N's friend asked "Dude, you have a nice good looking chick beside you. Maybe, I can be his boyfriend-" Before his friend said further ado, Y/N slam his desk and make his friend flinched

"I-I have to go!" Y/N said before his anger catch on him and punch his friend for saying that to Fumi.

Y/N out from his classroom and arrive at some quiet park at school ground and decide to calm his heart

"Why I am so angry when someone like Fumi, am I jealous?" Y/N mumbling before sit at ground below tree

"Y/N-kun?" Tamao saw me

"Oh, hey..." I said, then Tamao sit beside me

"Are you okay?" Tamao asked

"I-I am okay, I just feeling under the weather"

"Then..." Tamao fix her position "Please use my lap as your pillow" She said while patted her lap

"Eh?" Y/N blushed knowing that he can sleep at girl's lap

"It's okay please use it" Tamao said and Y/N nodded and decide to put his head on Tamao's lap. Y/N avert his gaze from Tamao since it's too embarassed and his heart pounding very hard knowing that he very close to Tamao

"Ano ne, Y/N-kun..." Tamao said while caress Y/N's hair smoothly make Y/N feel very sleepy and make his eyelids feel heavy so he fell asleep

"Actually, I have this feeling that I want to tell you since we meet..." Tamao said but Y/N still sleep but right now he heart is full of anticipation

"I love you Y/N-kun..." Tamao said with blushing but Y/N still fake his sleep and trying to wrap his head with what happen right now

"I don't mind if you don't love me back, it's fine if we stay like this... I don't really mind..." Y/N can feel something wet is fell to his face and slowly open his eyes showing that Tamao crying.

'How stupid I am, there is someone who love me and I just realized that I love her too...' Y/N thought and want to curse himself for being dense

"Tamao..." Y/N wake up from his position and sit in front of Tamao then swept her tears make Tamao widen her eyes "I love you too Tamao..." Y/N grinned and hug Tamao.

"I am sorry if I am become your obstacle to reach your dream..." Y/N said and Tamao shake her head

"Of course not! I will gladly that you always beside me to support me and my dream..." Tamao said with smiled and make Y/N cupped her cheeks and kiss her slowly with tender feelings

Y/N doesn't know that someone watch them from far with regretted feeling "Congratulations Y/N..." Fumi said with tears falling down from her eyes and walk away

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