Vince's Musings

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Vince sulked around the house. This wasn’t fair.  Why did Howard always blame him? It’s not his fault the shaman went AWOL. What did he mean ‘like this’? This was him. His ‘bad side’. Even Sunshine Kids get bad days. He was just experiencing his all in a row. Which was good right? Cos then it’s out of the way. Clear skies for the rest of all time. And that was just a bonus. His staying indoors was just adding to his reputation, he knew it. And when it stopped, he’d still be on top. As always. That was the way of the world. His world. The fashionable one. Unlike Howard’s….whatever world. Unfashionable? Boring? Uptight? Never-lets-Vince-do-what-he-wants? Always-being-mean-to-his-friend-and-blaming-him-for-shaman-stuff? He scowled to himself.

He looked in the mirror and fixed his face into a smile. Hello gorgeous. He played with his hair, and messed it up. He was sexy. And fashionable. He was fashion. And nothing Howard said or did would let him doubt that. He blew a kiss at his reflection and grinned childishly. He would get through this. He was Vince Noir. And nobody could take that away from him.

But there was still a hint of doubt in his wonderfully blue eyes. He frowned at his reflection. What are you worried about? It hurt a bit, that Howard wasn’t being supportive. Some friend. This were his darkest days. And Howard was being… he sighed. He was being Howard. What else did Vince expect? What else did he want?

Maybe he really did need to get out. But he wasn’t going to risk. No, no, no. This was his rep on the line. He was going to stay inside as long as it was needed. 

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