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It was one week later and Howard was freaking out. What if the trend never ended? No. He wasn’t freaking out. He was a real man. Not freaking out. But he was enjoying himself. Beginning to crave the moments they spent together. Which was a lot, since Bollo had decided to ban the both of them from working in the shop ever since Vince had spent most of the day giving Howard puppy-eyes, and then getting angry at any customer who bothered to break the trend to buy something for talking to his ‘beloved’ Howard.  And Howard was enjoying it! He shouldn’t be. He shouldn’t be. He just shouldn’t!!!  But he was noticing things. The way Vince did his hair. His smell. The touch of his skin. And it was driving him utterly mental. Bonkers! He was being used. He knew that. And yet he couldn’t help himself. Falling for anyone who showed him the slightest bit of affection, Vince had said once. And he was right! As much as he hated to admit it. But his chest swelled whenever he saw that man. And it wasn’t supposed to. It wasn’t supposed to! But now everything seemed to revolve around Vince Noir. Not that he had forgotten the other stuff – his jazz and his dreams. It just seemed…less important when Vince was in the room. He put it aside for a little bit.  And he was scared. He wouldn’t admit it. But he was. Cos it was only a matter of time before the clock stopped and life went back to normal. He'd be left behind. 

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