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It had been three weeks, and Vince was climbing up the walls.  It was so boring. Doing nothing but wait. And Howard wasn’t entertaining him like he should be. Whenever Vince tried to start up a conversation, Howard turned it to something boring like Jazz or Stationary. It was going to drive him insane. No customers, and Naboo had decided to take an impromptu vacation on ‘Shaman Business’. Vince was sure that was just a cover though. He was probably DJ-ing or something, which Vince was incredibly jealous about. But Vince wouldn’t just give up on a trend because it annoyed him. No, no. He’d been through far too much to give up now.

It was odd though. Normally he didn’t mind staying inside. It was that whole ‘grass is always greener’ thing. He kept imagining all the parties he could be going to, the people he could be meeting, the girls he could be making out with. Not that Howard would ever understand that. He knew nothing of girls. Or anything interesting, really.

Just Jazz. And how to be incredibly fashionless. Vince sighed to himself. If only Howard would let him choose his clothes. Vince was almost magic when it came to make-overs. He bet he could even make Howard look cool, with a bit of work. The attitude would need changing though, he mused to himself. Howard’s whole ‘real man’ thing was not only tiring, but it wasn’t exactly a chick-magnet. In fact, Vince couldn’t think of anything about Howard that was over all appealing or attractive. So why did Vince like him so much? Vince’s mind flashed back to the roof, when he had kissed Howard for the first time. It wasn’t planned or anything. Vince had just needed an excuse. So that he wouldn’t be killed. But there had been, for a moment or two, when Vince had deluded himself into thinking that he like-liked Howard. But only for a minute or two. Or maybe three. But not that long. Nothing to get worried about. He had tried picturing them together, but couldn’t see it. Him, with Howard?! He would lose all credibility in the fashion world in an instance. He shook his head to himself. And nothing was worth that. Especially one very confused moment on a bouncy castle.

Vince was glad that he had gotten that sorted out.

At least that was one thing good about spending so much time indoors. He had time to think and sort out any leftover feelings. Not that there were any, mind you.

Vince bit his lip and wondered how true that was, when the shop’s bell rang as a new customer entered.

Staying In - A Mighty Boosh FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now