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It was a few days later when Naboo finally decided to return from wherever he’d been holed up for the past week. Howard had been complaining, since there was paperwork to be done that only Naboo could sign off on. Vince hadn’t really been fussed. He’d decided to go through his entire wardrobe and redo the order by colour.

Naboo entered his shop and looked at the two men. “A’right.”

“Hey Naboo,” Vince said, and then, as he remembered the strange guest from earlier that week, he added, “A friend of yours was round here earlier.”

“A friend?” Naboo asked, casting a look at his familiar, the ape Bollo, who shrugged.

“Yeah. Tall man, wearing the whole dark look – you know nice hat and feathers and-” But before Vince could start a real proper explanation of the man’s clothes, Howard chimed in.

“Said he was a shaman.”

Vince shot Howard an annoyed look, who didn’t notice.

“Really?” Naboo said.

“Saboo,” Bollo grunted.

Naboo gave Bollo a look. “Oh really?” he said sarcastically, and then frowned to himself. “Wonder what he wants.”

Bollo shrugged. “I have a bad feeling about this.”

Naboo gave him a look. “You have a bad feeling about everything. Anything specific?”

Bollo shook his head.

Naboo scoffed. “You’re useless.”


“He said he’d be back,” Vince added, wanting to be part of the conversation again.

Naboo sighed and walked towards the staircase. “Yeah, yeah,” he said unhappily.

“I take it you’re not friends then?” Howard asked.

“Not really, yeah.”

“Saboo doesn’t like anyone.” Bollo clarified.

“Yeah, he seemed like a real charmer,” Howard muttered.

“Mmm, you’d do good to stay away from him,” Naboo advised.

“Oh yeah, well I guess I’ll have to cancel the party then,” Vince said sarcastically. As if he’d try to befriend that guy. He was a pain.

Naboo gave him a serious look. “I mean it. Stay away from him.”

Vince nodded, his bad mood temporarily gone. “Sure. Can’t have a party anyway.”

“It’s out of fashion.” Howard said with a hint of mockery.

“Whatever. I mean it. You see him round here, you tell me.”

The men nodded and Naboo went upstairs.

“What’s that about, do you think?” Howard asked.

Vince shrugged. “Better not dwell on it,” he mimicked with good humour.

Howard pushed him. “Whatever.”

Vince gave a laugh. 

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