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“Vince!” Howard called out. There was noise from a room and a curse, and Vince stumbled out.

“What?!” he demanded.

Howard frowned at his friend. “We should talk.”

Vince pulled a face. “About what?”

“About this stupid trend!” Howard snapped at him, then took a breath to calm himself. “I’m here to help.”

“Help? Help what? I’m fine! It’s all you lot with your glances and everything. You think I’m thick! I can see you both, you know! Stop pitying me!”

Howard didn’t reply, annoying Vince further. “Yeah, I didn’t think you’d have an answer.”

Howard reached out to place a comforting hand on Vince’s arm. “We don’t think you’re thick.”

Vince scowled and pulled at Howard’s arm in a sudden movement and pinning him to the wall. Vince was physically weaker than Howard, but he was fuelled by rage, and a bit of madness, and Howard had no wish to fight with him anyway.

“Stop it!” Vince demanded. “Stop talking down to me!”

Howard frowned, unsure how to respond.

“I’m not a kid anymore!” And, just to prove it, Vince leant forward and kissed Howard. 

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