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“Um. It’s alright Vince. Let’s just forget it, alright?”

“No!” Vince suddenly shouted. “Let’s not forget it.”

“All right little man,” Howard said, surprised. “We won’t forget it then.”

“Good.” Vince said sullenly.

“Ummm…” There was a silence. “You want…to talk about it?”

Vince shook his head. “No.”

Howard frowned.

Vince looked at him with pleading eyes, which only confused Howard further. Vince was as confounding as ever. What on earth did he want from him? What was he supposed to do? He scratched his head. He was so tired. What was he supposed to do? He wondered for the second time, his brain stuck on repeat. He sighed.

“I’m going to bed.”

“C…can I come with you?”


Vince gave him another puppy-dog face, and Howard sighed again. “Yeah.”

Staying In - A Mighty Boosh FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now