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Vince had always been an elegant type of creature, and even his tears reflected that – falling down his face and ruining his makeup without a sound as he looked desperately at the person he had thought had loved him.

“But why?” he repeated, his voice on the edge of breaking. Or maybe it did break. He wasn’t paying attention anymore. He just needed to know.

No, he needed Howard to take him in his arms and tell him everything would be alright, and then talk about something boring, like Jazz or pens or whatever. Vince didn’t care.

But Howard was just sitting there, frowning at him. A bit detached. As if he didn’t really care, but was surprised that Vince did.

But that wasn’t fair.

“Why?” he demanded a third time. Howard tried to look away, but Vince kept his hands on Howard’s face, making it impossible for him to look anywhere but into Vince’s eyes.

Howard blinked, clearly uncomfortable. “Well, that’s how it goes, right?”

“How it goes?!” Vince asked angrily. “What’s that s’posed to mean?”

 Howard shifted.  “Well, it’s over, isn’t it?”

Vince made an angry noise. “Why?”

Howard frowned. “Because that’s it!” he said, pulling away from Vince’s hands and scooting off the bed to stand away from him. “You can go back to your bloody trendy lifestyle and I’ll stay here being me, sir, just as it’s always been.”

“What are you talking about?” Vince asked with a slight touch of detached amusement, hiding his utter horror and confusion.

“It’s over,” Howard stated again. “It was fun, Vince, really, but come on, it was never going to last.”

“B…but I love you.”

Howard looked at him with deep unfathomable eyes. “That’s what you said last time.”

That was like a stab in the gut. Vince’s breathing accelerated as the tears fell, the mascara staining the bed sheets, as his hands clutched at his chest. This couldn’t be happening.

But it was.

“Have fun at your party Vince,” Howard said, turning to go.

A/N - I don't know anymore! This story is really making me sad, I'm not used to writing angst. Or shipping at all. And it's really depressing. Poor Vince. Poor Howard. Poor Everybody!!!! 

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