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Vince was ignoring Howard. By which was meant, that Vince basically kicked Howard out of the apartment. He couldn’t leave, but since Howard was such a ‘real man’ he wouldn’t mind being fashionless. It wouldn’t affect him in the slightest. Vince was outraged. For Howard to take advantage of him in his weakness.

Of course, he was missing two logical, vital points in his reasoning. One, that it wasn’t really Howard’s fault on any level, he had just gone along with it.

Two, that he was only now admitting he was in the wrong frame of mind, prior to his complaining to the opposite.

Of course, he didn’t listen to Howards protests about those two points. So Howard was practically out on the streets. Luckily, Vince had allowed him to get some clothes and his wallet before kicking him out, but it didn’t seem to matter anyways. No one was out on the street. Was this how people were, Howard wondered. Too obsessed with trends to even be seen on the streets? He knew Vince was, but had expected the rest of the world to be somewhat normal. Apparently not though. He wondered how many had starved to death waiting for the stupid trend to be over. Vince probably would have, if it wasn’t for him. Of course, Vince would never admit that.

It was this whole stupid trend, Howard thought suddenly with vehemence as he entered a shop and bought a bottle of water, that had started it all. If it wasn’t for it, Vince would have never have gone crazy, which meant Howard wouldn’t have had to comfort him, which would mean that they’d still be friends. Instead of whatever they were now. No matter what happened, things were going to be awkward. 

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