Discovering the bunker

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Harper's Pov- the tremont has a bunker?

Chloe's Pov-Yep

Chloe's Pov-Yep

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Harper's Pov- wow

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Harper's Pov- wow

Griffin's Pov-let's see where this leads shall we?

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Griffin's Pov-let's see where this leads shall we?

Griffin's Pov-let's see where this leads shall we?

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Harper's Pov-yeah!

Chloe's Pov- yeah open that grate little bro

Griffin's Pov- alright! Who wants to go first Harper Paige?

Chloe's Pov- I think Harper should go first since she's our guest

*in the bunker*

Harper's Pov-goes up the portal* ouch!

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Harper's Pov-goes up the portal* ouch!

Young Ben's Pov- Harry

Griffin(Harry)'s Pov- hey what are you working on?

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Griffin(Harry)'s Pov- hey what are you working on?

Young Ben's Pov-a song for the talent show but my dad wants me to play something  classical and boring wanna help me write it?

Griffin(Harry)'s Pov-yeah sure

Young Jess' Pov- Hermione,Lily

Harper(hermione) Chloe(Lily)'s Pov-Hey are you ok? We saw your fight with Savannah

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Harper(hermione) Chloe(Lily)'s Pov-Hey are you ok? We saw your fight with Savannah

Young Jess' Pov- that was hardly a fight

Harper(Hermione) Chloe(Lily)'s Pov- yeah she was really mean to you

Young Jess' Pov- she thinks she's so cool I can't believe Ben doesn't see it

Harper(Hermione) Chloe(Lily)'s Pov- are you jealous of Savannah and Ben?

Young Jess' Pov- I just think this place would be better If she'd just like go away

Savannah's Pov-ughhh ben you scared me

Young Ben's Pov-you've got company

Savannah's Pov-who are you guys?

Young Ben's Pov-I saw them at the hotel they're cool

Griffin(Harry)'s Pov-I'm Harry

Harper(Hermione)'s Pov- I'm Hermione

Chloe's Pov- and I'm lily

Savannah's Pov- wanna help us with a prank?

Griffin(Harry),Harper(Hermione)&Chloe(Lily)'s Pov-yeah!

Savannah's Pov-wow gnarly


Savannah's Pov- epic I like that

Young Ben's Pov-will you guys be back tomorrow?

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Young Ben's Pov-will you guys be back tomorrow?

Harper,Griffin and Chloe's Pov-yeah

Young Ben's Pov-great!.... See ya

Savannah's Pov-bye!

Harper,Griffin and Chloe's Pov-bye!

Harper's Pov- our parents are definitely hiding something

Griffin&Chloe's Pov-yeah we have to figure out what they are hiding we obviously can't talk to our dad about this we have to talk to our mom and you have to talk to your mom

Harper's Pov-yeah

Griffin&chloe's Pov-we have to find out what our parents  are hiding

Harper's Pov-definitely we all know my mom wasn't a fan of Savannah we just don't know why

Griffin&chloe's Pov-exactly I think your mom has a crush on our dad but she's jealous of how close Our dad and savannah are

Harper's Pov-exactly

Griffin&chloe's Pov- we definitely have to see if your mom does anything to Savannah

Harper's Pov-yeah I hope not

Griffin&chloe's Pov-yeah

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