Wrong place, wrong time

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*at The Dunn household*

Daisy's pov-Topher mother told me to tell you to get ready for school....why are you muddy?

Topher's Pov- uh I was sleep walking 

Daisy's pov- in a storm?

Jess' Pov- if you two don't get your butts in the car in 2 minutes you are walking to school!

Daisy's pov- I don't mind walking 

Topher's Pov-me neither 

Jess' Pov- what is up with you two?

*Daisy and Topher arrive at school*

Griffin's Pov- I looked all around the hotel for the crystal but I couldn't find it 

Daisy's pov-Topher was acting weird last night he said he was sleep walking 

Griffin's Pov- in a storm?

Daisy's-I couldn't get a look in his room

Griffin's Pov- until we find the crystal you are going to have to go to school as Harper it hasn't changed  that much in 90 years 

Daisy's pov- everything is moving so fast and you want me to be Harper but I'm not her!

Griffin's Pov-just for today can you do that?

Daisy's pov-fine 

*at the hotel a reporter comes to interview Ben and Sarah*

Sarah's Pov-hello?

Ashley's Pov- is this a hotel?

Sarah&Ben's Pov- it's not open yet

Ashley's Pov- when will it be open I've also heard there are some issues 

Ben's Pov-yeah there have been hiccups with the renovations but it'll be open soon

Sarah's pov- how about we set up a formal interview when the hotel is done?

Ashley's Pov-uhhhhh sure*Ben Sr shows up

Ben Sr's pov-oh sorry for interrupting the interview With the reporter 

Ben's Pov-it's ok 

Ben Sr's Pov- since you've told me about what really happened to Savannah I want to apologizing for how I acted the last time I was here and I would like to help fix the hotel 

Ben's pov-really?

Ben Sr's Pov-yeah* the sander randomly turns on a flys off the table nearly hitting Ben Sr*

Sarah's pov- Ben are you ok?

Ben's pov- electrical surge 

Wyatt&Zoey's pov-that wasn't a electrical surge 

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