Somewhere in time

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*A/N this chapter is what I think  would've happened if there was a 10th episode of season2 let me know in the comments what you think*

*in the present harper and griffin debate on telling griffins sister Chloe about what they saw in 2024*

Griffin&Harper's Pov- Chloe we need to talk to you asap

Chloe's pov- what's up? Bro and his special friend

Griffin's Pov- Chloe!

Chloe's pov- sorry sorry you were saying

Griffin's Pov- Harper and I traveled to the future well 2024 and we saw the older versions of ourselves and we are dating and have a baby and... we don't live at the tremont anymore and it caught on fire

Chloe's pov- wow that's a lot to take in in 10 seconds

Harper's Pov- yeah... we are gonna try to do something to prevent the fire from happening and you guys leaving the tremont

Chloe's pov- how do you suppose we do that?

Harper's Pov- I don't know there has to be something we can do right?

Griffin&Chloe's Pov- yeah there has to be

Harper's Pov- yeah

Chloe's pov- maybe we can have a seance or something to get the bad energy out of room 205 because that's where the fire starts right?

Griffin&Harper's pov- yeah that's actually not a bad idea

Chloe's pov- I kinda want to travel to 2024 and see what you guys saw for myself

Griffin&Harper's Pov- ok let's go!

*Chloe, Griffin and Harper go to the portal and travel to 2024 and they arrive to see the older versions of themselves*

Older Chloe's Pov- mom,dad griffin,Wyatt and Zoey I'm home!

Sarah&Ben's Pov- hey honey how's school

Older Chloe's Pov- LSU Is good! I've made lots of friends

Sarah&Ben's Pov- good we are happy to hear that

Older Griffin's Pov- Chloe!

Older Chloe's Pov- hey griff! And how's my little niece!

Griffin's Pov- maci is good! And is happy to have auntie Chloe home she knows daddy is

Older Chloe's Pov- awe

Older Harper's Pov- hey Chloe

Older Wyatt&Zoey's Pov- Chloe!!!

Older Chloe's Pov- how are my favorite twins

Older Wyatt&Zoey's Pov- good!

Older Chloe's Pov- I heard from a little birdie that my little sister has a boyfriend

Older Zoey's pov- yeah... it's Topher

Older Chloe's Pov- awe

*Griffin, Harper and Chloe go back to the present to process what they just saw*

Chloe's pov- woah... I go to LSU and I have a niece

Griffin's Pov- yeah I'm in High school and have a daughter

Harper's Pov-  yeah it's a lot to process isn't it

Griffin&Chloe's Pov- yeah

Harper's Pov- earlier we came up with a plan to prevent the fire right?

Chloe's pov- yeah

Griffin's Pov- when do you think we should have the seance?

Chloe's pov- I'd say sooner rather than later

Griffin&Harper's Pov- agreed

Chloe's pov- we can't tell mom and dad can we?

Griffin's Pov- no we can't they cannot know about the portal

Chloe's pov- ok ok

Harper's Pov- we can't risk anyone else knowing about the portal it was bad enough Topher knows about it

Griffin's Pov- yeah the less people that know about the portal the better

Chloe's pov- got it

Harper's Pov- well I'm gonna head home good night

Griffin&Chloe's Pov- night harper

*later that night*

Chloe's pov- I can't stop thinking about what we saw earlier

Griffin's Pov- me too!

Chloe's pov- I hope the seance thing works so we can prevent the fire and we don't have to leave

Griffin's Pov- me too but there always the what if's

Chloe's pov- yeah maybe we can go back tomorrow and see if we can see anything else our future selves are doing

Griffin's Pov- yeah I can't believe I have a daughter at 16

Chloe's pov- I become a aunt at 18

Griffin's Pov- yeah

Chloe's pov- it's definitely a lot to process and to think about

Griffin's Pov- yeah sometimes it's hard to wrap your head around it all

Chloe's pov- yeah but it'll be alright

Griffin's Pov- well we can only hope

Chloe's pov- true that

Griffin's Pov- I really don't want to leave this place

Chloe's pov- me neither I don't really miss Chicago anymore

Griffin's Pov- me neither this is home

Chloe's pov- it definitely feels like it... do you think mom and dad will open the camp again?

Griffin's Pov- it would be awesome if they did but I don't know

Chloe's pov- if mom and dad do open the camp again it'll definitely help with the money situation and hopefully it'll attract guest to the hotel knowing that there will be campers

Griffin's Pov- yeah or more ghosts

Chloe's pov- yeah I didn't think about that

Griffin's Pov- we will just have to see what the future holds won't we

Chloe's pov- yeah

Griffin's Pov- if mom and dad open the camp I'd definitely work as a counselor

Chloe's pov- so would I! That would be fun

Griffin's Pov- yeah! I also think Harper would work as a counselor too!

Chloe's pov- I definitely think we would have a lot of help hopefully grandpa would help as well

Griffin's Pov- yeah hopefully he comes around to the idea of us living here

Chloe's pov- yeah he didn't seem thrilled the last time he was here

Griffin's Pov- nope even though he knew what actually happened to Savannah

Chloe's pov- yeah hopefully he will help with the finishing touches before we get guests here

Griffin's Pov- yeah like paint and stuff

Chloe's pov- exactly! We also have to keep him away from the portal

Griffin's Pov- definitely

Chloe's pov- we can't afford to have him travel through time and potentially change the future

Griffin's Pov- I agree

Chloe's pov- we also can't afford Wyatt and Zoey finding the portal and going through

Griffin's Pov- exactly

Chloe's pov- that'll be a disaster

Griffin's Pov- yeah a major one

Chloe's pov- let's just hope the twins don't find the portal like Topher did

Griffin's Pov- yeah I agree

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