Time is not on our side

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* no ones Pov- it has been a few weeks since Harper and Griffin almost kissed and now they are stuffing goodie bags for the grand reopening of the tremont while harper and griffin get boxes of goodies out of Jess' car they talk about how awkward it is between them since they almost kissed*

Harper's Pov- I hate this we haven't hung out in weeks

Griffin's Pov- it's not that i didn't want to it's just awkward between us

Harper's Pov- it wouldn't be awkward if we would just talk about it

Griffin's Pov - yeah I mean we you know

Harper's Pov- just say it we almost kissed

Griffin's Pov - it looks like our parents went all out for the party tonight

*Mrs.Barker approaches griffin and Harper and grabs griffins arm*

Harper's Pov- hello Mrs.barker I'm Harper from the cafe I can call someone for you

Savannah/Mrs.barker's Pov- don't do it! Don't go forward!

Griffin's Pov- what?

Harper's Pov- she's a confused old women it looks like your ride is here

*harper,griffin and Chloe visit Mrs.barker at the retirement facility*

Chloe's Pov- hi we're wondering if you could tell us where mrs.barkers room is?

Retirement facility directors Pov- visiting hours are over

Harper's Pov- ok

*as Harper,griffin and Chloe were leaving they spot mrs.barker in the cafeteria*

Griffin's Pov-Mrs.barker we brought you a goodie bag from the reopening of the tremont.... Was that a warning earlier?

Retirement facility directors Pov- Mrs.barker needs her rest and you need to leave *harper,griffin and Chloe leave when Mrs.barker says something*

Savannah/Mrs.Barker's Pov- Harry,Hermione,Lilly it's nice to see you again

Griffin, Harper and Chloe's Pov- Savannah?

*Griffin,Harper and Chloe on a bike ride

Griffin's Pov- Savannah's all grown up and married

Harper's Pov- I can't believe i didn't figure it out sooner

Chloe's Pov- me too

Harper's Pov- do you think we would recognize each other if we passed each other on the street

Griffin's Pov your pretty unbelievable locker ninja

*fast forward to the reopening*

Sarah's pov- this is not a little hiccup

Jess' Pov- we can't close the hotel that'll be a disaster

Sarah's pov- yeah let's get towels and stop the water

*harper has a vision* Griffin's Pov- Harper? Are you ok?

Harper's Pov- yeah.... I had a vision

Griffin's Pov- what was it?

Harper's Pov- I saw you trapped in a fire

Griffin's Pov- hey! I'm here I'm ok *harper and griffin find Savannah*

Zoey's pov- Savannah!

Wyatt's Pov- woah

Zoey's pov- good one Topher

Topher's Pov- what are you talking about?

Wyatt&Zoey's Pov- Savannah walking through the lobby

Topher's Pov- I'm good but not that good

Harper's Pov- why would Savannah risk coming back here

Griffin's Pov- I don't know

Chloe's Pov- we need to get to her before people recognize her

Harper's Pov- yeah

*Griffin,Harper and Chloe catch up with Savannah*

Savannah's Pov- Sam traveled to the future and he's not back yet and I'm getting worried

Harper's Pov- did he say why?

Savannah's Pov- to find a cure for his mother

Griffin's Pov- here put this on we can't risk anyone recognizing you

*harper, Chloe and Savannah go down to the portal after they successfully distract Wyatt,Zoey and Topher*

Griffin's Pov- Savannah if you don't go home now you won't be able to the crystal cracks every time we use it

Savannah's Pov- I can't believe I won't be able to see you again

Harper's Pov- you will...... where's griffin?

Savannah's Pov- he was upstairs distracting Wyatt and Zoey and Topher

Harper's Pov- I just looked and he's not there

Chloe's Pov- I wonder where he is

*harper and Savannah go into the bunker and notice the radio is set to 2024*

Savannah's Pov- maybe he went to bring Sam back

Harper's Pov- they aren't coming back *harper holds the broken crystal*

Savannah's Pov- oh my god I can't be stuck here! I have a family now I have a family!

*ben enters and Savannah hides*

Harper's Pov- mr.Campbell

Ben's pov- harper what is this place?

*in 2024*

Griffin's Pov- mom dad? Wyatt,Zoey, Chloe??????

Sam's Pov- don't go in there

Griffin's Pov- my families in there

Sam's Pov- this place has been abandoned for a while

Griffin's Pov- what?!?!?!?

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