Crunch time

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*no ones Pov- Griffin and Daisy rundown to the portal little did they know that Ben and Ben Sr were down in the basement to turn the power off*

Daisy's pov- what if I don't switch back

Griffin's Pov what?!?!? You have to switch back if you don't then you won't get married and Harper won't exist

Daisy's pov- I'm sorry mother but I have to do this *Daisy touches the mirror*

Griffin's Pov-no no no no ughhhhhh open!!!!

Daisy's pov- griffin stop!

Griffin's Pov- no! I am not  giving up on Harper

Daisy's pov- you really care for her don't you?

Griffin's Pov- is it obvious?

Daisy's pov- no

Griffin's Pov- good

Daisy's pov- there has to be another way to get the portal working again

Griffin's Pov- the portal won't work without......power

* griffin runs to turn the power back on*

*no ones Pov: in 1930 Savannah and Harper try to stop Sam from confronting the judge about switching the documents*

Sam's Pov- if you were really Daisy you would be fighting this right beside me

Harper's Pov(Daisy)- Sam

*savannah sneaks into the courthouse and sees where the judge hides the real documents*

Savannah's Pov-Harper I know where the documents are and I know how we can get our hands on them

Harper's Pov- and we will bring them back to elija and confront the judge 

Savannah's Pov- did you know that there's a law that you can't tie a alligator to a fire hydrant? Crazy right?

Judge walker's Pov- I haven't heard that one

Savannah's Pov- I'm thinking about becoming a lawyer when I'm older I'm pretty good at school and I like helping people 

Judge walker's Pov- just Marry a judge wifey

*meanwhile in 2021*

Wyatt's Pov-fire!!!

Ben's pov- just stay here with your sister and your brother and Sara call 911.......where is griffin

*sarah calls 911*

Griffin's Pov- if the basement burns down

Daisy's pov- you won't see Harper again

Griffin's Pov- and you'll be trapped here forever

Ben's pov-outside both of you...... what are you doing here?

Griffin's Pov- we smelled smoke

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