Lost in time

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*A/N this chapter is what I think  would've happened if there was a 9th episode of season2 let me know in the comments what you think*
*in 2024*

Griffin's Pov- what do you mean this place has been abandoned for years? I mean I used to live there

Sam's Pov- I think it all became too much for your family with everything that's going on with room 205

Griffin's Pov- I really need to get back home before my parents notice I'm gone

Sam's Pov- don't go inside that building kid

Griffin's Pov- that's the only way I can get home

*Griffin notices what looks like a older him and Harper walking towards the hotel holding hands *

Older Harper's Pov- babe I wonder if there is going to be a new owner

Older Griffin's Pov- I don't know it was so different when I lived there

Older Harper's Pov- I bet

*griffin watched as older Harper and griffin head towards griffins new house and they both say something that took griffin by surprise*

Older Harper's Pov- I love you griffin

Older Griffin's Pov- I love you too harper

*griffin finally arrives back in 2020*

Harper's Pov- griffin?!?!?

Griffin's Pov-*caughing* harper!

Harper's Pov- I'm so happy your home!

Griffin's Pov- there is something I need to tell you

Harper's Pov- ok...

Griffin's Pov- my family doesn't live at the tremont anymore and it was on fire

Harper's Pov- oh my god! I knew it! You went in the burning building didn't you!

Griffin's Pov- I had no choice it was the only way I could come home

Harper's Pov- was there anything else I need to know?

Griffin's Pov- ummmmm... I saw a older version of us we were 16  I think and we were holding hands and you told me you loved me and stuff... I think we were dating

Harper's Pov- oh my god!!!!!

Griffin's Pov- I know it's a lot to wrap our heads around

Harper's Pov- yeah it is

Griffin's Pov- I should probably go upstairs so my parents know I'm safe

Harper's Pov- good idea! Well I'm gonna go home

Griffin's Pov- see ya harper

Harper's Pov- see ya

*the next day harper returns to the tremont to talk to griffin about what happened the day before*

Harper's Pov- hey!

Griffin's Pov- hey!

Harper's Pov-  would you think I'm crazy if I said I wanted to see what you told me yesterday myself?

Griffin's Pov- you mean about the older us dating?

Harper's Pov- yeah

Griffin's Pov- I wouldn't think you were crazy

Harper's Pov- thanks
*harper and griffin head to the portal and go to 2024 and they see the older versions of themselves and something else happens that take Griffin and Harper by surprise*

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