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*No ones Pov Daisy and griffin arrive at Harper's house and Jess asks Harper to tell Topher to start his homework and Jess tells griffin that she has to run to the market to get stuff for tacos for dinner*

Griffin's Pov-ok so Harper's mom told me she's gonna run to the market to get stuff for dinner this is the perfect opportunity to switch you and Harper back

Daisy's pov-ok let's do it

*no ones Pov Griffin and Daisy head to the tremont little did they know that topher found the portal and radio and took the magic crystal from the radio while Harper was running back to the hatch from 1930*

Harper's Pov-no no no I can't be stuck here

Griffin's Pov-uh oh

Daisy's pov- what?

Griffin's Pov-there was a crystal in here.....without it you are stuck here being Harper

Daisy's pov-griffin I can't

Griffin's Pov- it's ok I'll help you and so will my sister Chloe

Daisy's pov-ok...... I don't want to mess anything up

Griffin's Pov- you won't! Chloe and I will help you so no one will know you aren't actually harper

Daisy's pov-are you sure?

Griffin&chloe's pov-yes we will help you the best we can

Daisy's pov-thank you!

Griffin&chloe's pov-you are so welcome

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