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Griffin's Pov- Harper,chloe and I are walking the property and we spot a old coffee Can under the tree

Chloe's Pov-I wonder if there is anything in here?

Harper's Pov-yeah let's open it

Griffin's Pov-ok.......there's a note from Savannah

Harper&Chloe's Pov-what does it say?

Griffin's Pov-it says I ran away from camp to find my mom and dad

Harper&Chloe's Pov- so Savannah's not dead?

Griffin's Pov-yeah

Chloe's Pov- we should tell dad! He would be so relieved

Griffin's Pov-yeah! I think Jess will also be relieved too!

Harper's Pov-yeah,even though my mom hated her as a kid I think she'd be happy she was safe and nothing bad happened

Griffin&Chloe's pov- exactly

Harper's Pov- I wonder what prompted Savannah to run away?

Griffin&Chloe's pov- I don't know maybe it was what your mom said the night of the dance?

Harper's Pov-maybe who knows

Griffin&Chloe's pov- I guess we will never know since we know she's alive and safe

Harper's Pov-right that's all that matters

Griffin&Chloe's pov-exactly!

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