No Time to Waste

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*no ones Pov Harper griffin and Chloe run back to the portal and they notice that Daisy has gone through* *back to 2020*

Chloe's pov- uhhhhh guys look

Harper's Pov- she went through Daisy found the portal

Griffin's Pov- well if she's a relative of yours she couldn't help but go exploring

*in 2020*

Harper's Pov-daisy

Daisy's Pov-who are you and what is this place?

Harper's Pov-There is not a lot of time to explain but I'm your great granddaughter and you've traveled through time

Daisy's Pov-time?

Griffin's Pov- yeah like way way into the future

Jess' Pov-Harper come on I'm late

Harper's Pov-daisy go pretend to be me

Jess' Pov- Harper Now!

Harper's pov-go be me!

*no ones Pov- Jess takes Harper(Daisy) to the cafe while the real Harper goes back to 1930 to investigate what Sam is building* Griffin and Chloe catch-up with Daisy at the cafe*

Chloe&griffin's Pov- you didn't tell anyone who you were did you?

Daisy's Pov-no everything is so confusing here

Griffin's Pov-Daisy this is my sister Chloe she's gonna help you fit in and be Harper

Daisy's Pov-ok

Chloe's Pov-ok when we go to school Griffin will help you and we will give you little cues so you would know how to act like Harper so anyone won't get suspicious

Daisy's Pov-ok

Chloe&griffin's Pov- you will have to dress like Harper

Daisy's Pov-ok that shouldn't be a problem

Chloe&griffin's Pov- good!

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