Scream Time

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*Ruby kicks Wyatt,Zoey&Topher out of her shop*

Zoey's pov- did you guys see how she acted when we mentioned the ghost

Topher&Wyatt's Pov- yeah

Zoey's pov- it was like she knew something or someone
*they head back to the tremont*
Sarah,Ben&Jess' Pov- where have you been?

Topher's Pov- uhhhhhh just skipping rocks in the springs

*in 1947 Savannah,Harper,chloe&griffin see a familiar face*

Chloe&Griffin's Pov- mom!

Ruby's Pov- did you just call her mom?......Mrs.Walker doesn't have any kids

Griffin&Chloe's Pov- sorry she just looked familiar

Ruby's Pov- did you not see what happened in the barn!!!

Griffin&Chloe's Pov- we're gonna head inside to see if we can find anything

Daisy's pov- I thought I told you kids to leave

Ruby's Pov- mama

Daisy's pov- you didn't tell my daughter about time travel did you?

Harper&Savannah's Pov- no......not exactly

Daisy's pov- Ruby go wait in the truck......we're leaving

Ruby's Pov- what?!.........why?!? Mama I love it here

Daisy's pov- I know baby

Savannah&Harper's Pov- we know what happened to the did Ruby pick up the vase?

Daisy's pov- she didn't pick it was handed to her

Harper's Pov- by who?

Daisy's pov- my mother

*older Ruby heads to the tremont and knocks on the door*

Sarah's pov- I'm sorry we aren't accepting new guests

Older Ruby's Pov- I'm not here to book a room I'm here to help

*Harper,Griffin,Chloe&Savannah return to the present*

Griffin&Chloe's Pov- our mom has to be related to Mrs.Walker somehow......why wouldn't she tell us

Savannah&Harper's Pov- maybe it was either to painful or she didn't know

*griffin,chloe,harper&Savannah head upstairs and they see Ben,Sarah&jess with older Ruby*

Ben&Sarah's Pov- where have you been?

Griffin's Pov- just out and about

Older Ruby's Pov- hello,I'm three again

Sarah's pov- Again?...I thought you were skipping rocks in the springs?

Wyatt's pov- one of the things

Older Ruby's Pov- I need all of the children to leave

Griffin,Chloe,Wyatt,Zoey,Harper&Topher's Pov- what!!!! that's not fair!!! We can help!!!!

Ben's pov- do what she says

*Griffin,Harper,Topher,wyatt&Zoey leave to pack for their sleep over at the dunns*

*griffin knocks on Sarah&Bens room door while Sarah was there*

Griffin's Pov- I just wanted to say good by before we head to the dunns Ruby seemed to be really interested in your hair thing

Sarah's pov- yeah it was my grandmothers on my mothers side it's like 75 years old

Chloe&Griffin's Pov- Chicago born and raised right?

Sarah's pov- she lived there forever but it's kinda fuzzy but she did live somewhere else when she was younger

Chloe&Griffin's Pov- really?

*at the dunns*

Zoey's pov- this stinks

Topher- what!? It's a classic

Wyatt's pov- yeah

Harper's Pov- cheese pizza anyone

Topher's Pov- yesss I'm starving

Harper's Pov- griffin you want any?

Griffin's Pov- I'm not hungry *Harper has another vision*

Topher's Pov- Harper?.........are you ok?

Chloe&Griffin's Pov- she had another vision

Zoey,wyatt&Topher's Pov- about what?

Harper's Pov- *panting* your mother

Griffin&Chloe's Pov- our mother.........was it like the other one where she was a ghost?

Harper's Pov-no......she was at the tremont and she's in trouble

*Harper,griffin,wyatt,zoey,topher&savannah head back to the Tremont*

Older Ruby's Pov- you've caused this family pain for far to long because of their connection to your wife ......what's your name again dear?

Sarah's Pov- uhh Sarah......Sarah Campbell

Older Ruby's Pov- your grandmother was related to Mrs.Walker

Ben's pov- what?

Older- Ruby's Pov- SHOW YOURSELF!!!!!!! *Sarah starts levitating and Ruby grabs a vase full of flowers.........Sarah Crashes to the ground*

Ben's pov- Sarah??...Sarah......sarah......she's not breathing

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