Time Reveals All

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*Back from 1947 Griffin,Harper,Chloe&Savannah discuss the possibilities of Ruby actually doing something to the judge and at the same time the twins and Topher come back from 2024* *griffin sneaks through the shelves from the bunker*

Wyatt's pov- griffin your alive!*

Griffin- yeah I'm alive*Wyatt,zoey&Topher hug him*

Harper's Pov- savannah I thought you were gonna travel back to 1962

Savannah- I was but I saw these guys travel to the future

Griffin- I thought I told you not to use the Time Machine!!!

Zoey's pov- we have some good news and not so good news

Griffin,Harper&Chloe's Pov- ok......

Zoey's pov- it turns out Topher is ok*griffin smiles* but.........your not

Griffin's Pov- what?!?!?

Savannah's Pov- you Die Griffin......and soon

Chloe's Pov- Oh my god!!!!

Harper's Pov- No.........that's impossible

Savannah's Pov- maybe the future changed or something

Harper's Pov- we all know the Judge is listening he's probably speeding things up

Chloe's pov- that sounds like something he'd do

Griffin's Pov- we uhh probably should head upstairs

Harper's Pov- good idea

*Sarah confesses to Jess about what's going on and griffin learns some unfortunate news*

Sarah's pov - I don't think I can stay alone tonight

Jess' Pov-*to the kids* how about a sleepover

*harper enters Griffins Room and sees griffin looking out his window*

Harper's Pov- griffin

Griffin- at least we know Topher's gonna be ok......better him than me right? A part of me wants to travel to 2024 and not see me

Harper&Chloe's pov- we won't let it happen griffin!

Harper's pov- I don't want to see a future that doesn't have you in it *topher,wyatt&Zoey enter griffins room*

Griffin's Pov- what are you guys doing?

Wyatt's pov- there's no way we are sleeping with a ghost on the loose

Chloe's pov- we also figured you wouldn't want to be alone tonight

Griffin's Pov- I'm gonna need a minute

*later that night*

Sarah- ahhhh griffin don't squeeze to tight

Griffin's Pov- mom?!?

Sarah's pov- owwww your hurting me.........griffin let go of my hand

Griffin's pov- mom I'm not touching your hand

Jess' pov- did you hear that?

Griffin's Pov-yeah we heard it
*Harper,Griffin&Savannah travel back to 1947 after learning Griffin is suppose to die*

Harper- oh ruby what have you done

Chloe's pov- oh my god

Griffin- we should probably leave before someone thinks we are responsible

Harper&Chloe's- good idea

*Harper,Griffin&Savanah go to the tool shed to find Ruby*

Harper's Pov- oh ruby come out!

Savannah's pov- we just want to talk to you

Griffin&Chloe's pov- we know you didn't hurt the judge

Ruby's pov- I was in the judges room last night and I had a huge speech planned

Harper's pov- who hit him with the vase?

*the ghost starts making the tools rattle*

Harper's Pov- we should probably get out of here

Ruby's pov- it was his wife.........Mrs.Walker

Griffin&Chloe's pov- ok.........where can we find her

Ruby's pov- well......your in luck she's right there

Griffin&Chloe's pov- mom?!?!?!?

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