Closing Time

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*wyatt and Zoey follow Savannah into the portal and end  up in 1962 Topher ends up telling Ben,Sarah and Jess that he was snooping in room 205 and the twins were missing*

Ben's pov- I know exactly where they are*heads to the bunker*

*meanwhile in 1962 Wyatt and Zoey pester Savannah about the ghost that's haunting the hotel/room 205

Savannah's Pov-boo!

Wyatt&Zoey's Pov- do you know who the ghost would be?

Savannah's Pov- no maybe Griffin and Harper do

Wyatt's pov- we should probably head back

Zoey's pov- yeah*wyatt and Zoey head to the portal and they spot ben

Wyatt&Zoey's Pov- hi dad

Ben's pov- home now!!!!

*Meanwhile in 2020 Harper,griffin and Sam were in the bunker getting ready to go to 1947 when ben and the twins come back*

Ben's pov- not so fast......I thought I told you not to come down here

Harper's Pov- you told me and I told Griffin

Ben's pov- I checked the tunnels and they don't look safe I don't want either of you down here got it

Wyatt,Zoey,Chloe,harper&Griffin's Pov- got it

Harper&Chloe's Pov- let's head upstairs

Zoey's pov- right behind you *griffin and I need to talk*

Ben's pov-you've been lying to me about this why?

Griffin's Pov- we just wanted a place to hangout like the treehouse was for you and Savannah

Ben's pov- well I'm gonna need you to find a new hangout spot from now on

Griffin's Pov- got it

*ben and Jess chain the portal and griffin and Harper follow them*

Ben's pov- both sides we should be good

Jess' Pov- I used to worry about Harper not having friends but then she met griffin and now they are inseparable

Ben's pov- it's crazy how fast they are growing up

Harper's pov- did you hear anything?

Chloe&Griffin's pov- no you?

Harper's Pov-no

*harper,Griffin&Chloe continue heading back to the hotel when Harper has a vision*

Griffin's Pov-Harper? What is it??

Harper's Pov-*panting* I had another vision

Chloe's pov- what about?

Harper's Pov*still panting* your mother

Griffin&Chloe's Pov- our mother?!?

Harper's Pov- yeah......she's a ghost

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