Nick Of Time

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*Ben&Jess go with Sarah to the hospital after she fainted*

*after Harper's vision The kids decide to head back to the tremont*

Harper's Pov- if it's anything like my vision

Chloe&Griffin's Pov- that means our mom is in that ambulance

Harper's pov- let's go

Savannah's Pov- Ruby? Sam?

Ruby's Pov- you kids shouldn't be here...go!! NOW!!!!

Griffin&Chloe's Pov- we can't all the doors are locked

Ruby's Pov- break a window I'm right behind you go go *room 205's door shuts trapping Ruby inside*

Harper,griffin,Savannah,Wyatt,Topher&Zoey's Pov- Ruby!!!!! *they head downstairs*

Griffin&Chloe's Pov- we are gonna be ok we just have to stick together

Judge walker's Pov- who wants some food*they head to the living room*

Savannah's Pov- your a coward!!!! We aren't scared of you

Griffin&Chloe's Pov- you don't scare us anymore

Wyatt's pov- wake up wake up wake up

Zoey's Pov- leave us alone

Topher's Pov- Zoey look your hair clip

Sam's Pov- I won't let you hurt these kids

Judge walker's Pov- I didn't think you had enough fight left in you and you know how well that went last time

Griffin's Pov- Sam is the strongest person I've ever met sam never stopped trying to find a cure for his mother that's real love I doubt you know the definition of the word

Judge walker's Pov-  and you do? don't know what you're up against boy!!!

Griffin's Pov- yeah I do......a ticking clock......I've been to the future I know how it plays out......the way I see it  have nothing to loose

Harper&Chloe's Pov- Griffin no!!!

Judge Walker's Pov- nothing to loose huh? seems like your friend can't seem to catch her breath

Topher's Pov- Harper?

Savannah&Chloe's Pov- Harper breath with us ok in and out in and out

Griffin's Pov- *grabbing Harper's hand* when you love someone making them smile and laugh and being around them makes it better you are better when they are around *harper starts breathing normally*

*at the hospital*

Ben's pov- Sarah...Sarah

Sarah's pov- it's all over
*ben and jess head back to the tremont*

Zoey&wyatt's pov- dad!!!

Griffin&Chloe's Pov- how's mom? Is she ok?

Ben's pov- she's gonna be fine they are keeping her overnight for observation it looks like you guys are safe

Harper&Griffin's pov- how did you know?

Ben&Jess's pov- your mom told us she felt it happen

Jess' pov- all thanks to did you do it?

Older Ruby's Pov- when you shine light darkness fades

Savannah's pov- where's Sam?

Harper's Pov- Sam what are you doing out here?

Older Ruby's pov- it's time for him to go

Griffin's Pov- go where? The past future

Wyatt's pov- dinosaurs or gladiators?

Harper&Chloe's pov- he's not using the Time Machine are you?

Sam's pov- no I'm gonna miss you kids

Savannah's Pov- I'm gonna miss you *sam turns into a ghost and joins Daisy and grace*

*harper&Griffin travel to 2024 one last time*

Harper's Pov- you seem to be well liked

Griffin's Pov- I don't care about other people *they see their future selves head to the football field*

Harper's- looks like we are still friends
*harper&griffin see their future selves kiss*
Griffin's Pov- or more than friends
Harper&Griffin's Pov- do you think there's any perks to the job like reserved parking and special seats in the cafeteria?

Harper's Pov- we still have a few years to figure it out

Griffin's Pov- why wait for the future we're already here
*they head back to the present*

Griffin's Pov- this is it......once we break the radio there's no going back

Harper's Pov- wanna do the honors? *hands griffin a hammer*
*the portal makes a noise*

Harper's Pov- someone's using the portal *Nick comes out of the tunnel*

Nick's Pov- that would be a huge mistake

Griffin's Pov- who are you?

Nick's Pov- my names Nick......Nick Campbell

Harper's Pov-Campbell as in......

Nick's Pov- your son

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