Check-out time

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*no ones Pov Daisy takes the crystal and goes back to 1930 to switch places with Harper while griffin stays behind to help Ben with something*

*meanwhile in 1930*

Savannah's Pov- Daisy we found the documents give them to Elijah and you guys can stay on your land forever

Daisy's pov-that's awesome

Harper's Pov- but we aren't going to do that

Daisy's pov- why?

Harper's Pov- if we change the past the future will be altered

Daisy's pov- did you have any close calls?

Harper's Pov- Sam was the only one who was on to me

Daisy's pov- so was Topher I'm gonna miss that kid

Harper's Pov- well we better get going bye Daisy

Daisy's pov- bye my great granddaughter

*harper goes back 2020 and griffin walks in at the same time*

Griffin's Pov- Daisy?...This is crazy! I mean, you know what Harper means to me and how much I need her back here

Harper's Pov- I know

Griffin's Pov- what?

Harper's Pov- I know now

Griffin's Pov- wait? Your.....Harper?

*harper Nods her head*

Griffin's Pov- your home!

Harper's Pov- I'm home

*at school harper and griffin do some research on how the tremont's lost the land and after school griffin and Harper tell there parents about what they found*

Harper's Pov- it's our legacy dad would've wanted it to

Ben's pov- she's right..... we can give the land back to your family like it was supposed to

Zoey's Pov- what will happen to us

Griffin&Chloe's pov- don't worry dads got this

Jess' Pov- wait......I've been saving up to buy a upgraded restaurant what if I use the money to help you finish the hotel and open the restaurant

Ben's pov- Jess we don't know what to say?

Jess' Pov- partners?

Wyatt's pov- take the deal dad

Zoey's Pov- I vote that

Topher's Pov- I second that

Griffin's Pov- I third that

Chloe's Pov- I fourth that

Wyatt's Pov- I fifth that

Harper's Pov- I sixth that

Ben's pov- well I guess we are partners

*griffin and Harper and Chloe go to the basement to the mirror*

Harper's Pov- you can rest now Grace

*the mirror shatters and smoke comes out of it*

*topher,harper,griffin,chloe,wyatt and Zoey run outside*

Griffin's Pov- we freed her guys

Topher's Pov- good job guys!

Wyatt&Zoey's Pov-yeah

Chloe's Pov- I can't believe we did it

Harper's Pov- me too

*everyone else except for griffin and Harper go inside

Griffin's Pov- if it isn't obvious I missed you... like a lot when you were gone

Harper's Pov- I missed you too

*griffin and Harper almost kiss*

Griffin's Pov- goodnight harper

Harper's Pov- I gotta catch up to Topher good night griffin

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