Time In A Crystal

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*No ones Pov- griffin learns that Topher is in a coma and his family along with Harper's family are blaming him he also learns that his mom gets sick*

*griffin and Sam arrive at the hospital so griffin can see what happened to Topher*

Sam's Pov-you had to talk to her even though I told you not to

Griffin's Pov-Sam tell me the truth...is Topher dead?

Future Jess' Pov- you have some nerve coming here I thought I told you to stay away

Griffin's Pov-I'm sorry you know I'd never hurt Topher

Future Jess' Pov- but you did......maybe you should see your mother

Griffin's Pov-Sam...what happened to my mom

Sam- I can't

Griffin- tell me the truth

Sam- after a while your mom got sick and it got bad

*meanwhile in the present Ben called a plumber to fix the water leak'

Plumber- everything is fixed*holding the crystal*

Harper's Pov-great!

*Ben and Sarah warn the twins not to talk about the ghost/Savannah or room 205*

Topher,wyatt&Zoey's Pov- we saw Savannah in human form

Harper's Pov- really?!?!......maybe she's watching us right now

*Harper&Savannah track down the plumber before he leaves to hopefully retrieve the crystal and bring Griffin and Sam home*

Savannah's Pov-you mean this?!?!?

*Harper smiles*

Chloe's pov- let's bring my brother back!!!

Harper&Savannah's pov- yeah!!!!!

*Savannah,Chloe&Harper go to the bunker to put the crystal back where it belongs*

Chloe's pov- it's to big!!

*Savannah grabs a hammer and chisel*

Savannah's pov-let's give this a try

*they put the crystal in and Harper bangs on the radio to get it to work

Harper's pov- it's still set to 2024

Chloe's pov- let's go get my brother back shall we??

Harper&Savannah's pov- yeah and Sam of course

*Harper&Savannah arrive in 2024*

Griffin's Pov-Harper?

Harper's Pov-yeah

Griffin's Pov- you are the real Harper right?

Harper's Pov- yeah......the only one

Griffin's Pov-well......the future harper sorta hates me

Sam's Pov- we need to get home now!!

*griffin,Harper,Chloe,Savannah&Sam return to the present*

Savannah's pov- let me help!!!

Griffin,Chloe&Harper's pov- our decision is final Savannah

Savannah's pov- this isn't fair*griffin is setting the radio to 1962 so Savannah can return home*

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