Time Waits for No One

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*No ones Pov Harper,griffin,Savannah and Chloe travel back to 1947 to talk to Ruby and to figure out what the judge was up to*

Ruby's Pov- I knew it!! Who was that boy earlier

Harper's Pov- that was griffin

Ruby's Pov- usually people like him don't hangout with people like us

Harper's Pov- way a head of Time way a head

Griffin's Pov- I'm Griffin, this is my sister Chloe

Ruby's pov- thanks for getting me out of that jam earlier

Griffin's Pov- anytime

Ruby's Pov- I think I know how to stop the judge......he's gonna get what's coming for him

Harper's Pov- wait ruby don't you want to think it out first

Griffin's Pov- you come from a long line of determined women

Chloe's pov- I'll say

Savannah's Pov- I think it's best if we split up

Chloe's pov- I agree

Harper's Pov- wait*grabs griffins shirt*  making sure you won't stand out as much as I will......this concert doesn't happen for 50 years

Griffin's Pov- good catch*griffin pretends to have poison ivy to distract the judge*

Savannah's Pov- awwwwww seahorses

Griffin's Pov- what......seahorses?!?

Harper's Pov- goofy Savannah

Chloe's pov- we should probably get going

*Meanwhile harper,Savannah&Chloe eavesdrops on the judges and sherifs conversation*

Daisy- you need to get home griffin no questions asked ......I don't want my daughter mixed up I whatever adventure your on right now

Griffin's Pov- I will as long as you answer mine

*meanwhile savannah, chloe&Harper follow the judge into the basement and they see him put stacks of cash into the floor safe*

*back in 2020*
Ben's pov- where have you been

Wyatt's pov- we were playing flashlight tag

Topher's Pov- yeah

Zoey's pov- you can't play flashlight tag during the day

Ben's pov- it would just be tag.........anyways be good for your mother alright.

Topher's Pov- you got it Mr.C. I'll make sure they won't get in trouble

*meanwhile returning to 2020 from 1947*

Harper's Pov- I don't think ruby has thought this through

Chloe's pov- if we have to we can stop her right?

Griffin's Pov- yeah

*meanwhile Sarah is in the old shed when the ghost followed her*

Sarah's pov- Stop!!!!!.........im not scared of you!!!!!!!!!

Griffin&Chloe's Pov- mom are you ok?

Sarah's pov- I'm ok sweetie

Griffin&Chloe's Pov- you know you can always tell us

Sarah's pov- I can't

*Zoey,wyatt&Topher head to the bunker and decide to travel to 2024*

Savannah's Pov- you shouldn't be here *topher screams

Wyatt's pov- what are you doing here?

Savannah's Pov- I came to get you guys.........get down
*they see the future Jess,Harper&Topher*
Topher's Pov- you almost forgot these......tell him I miss him too*Savannah,wyatt,zoey&Topher follow Future harper to a cemetery*

*they see future harper crying in the distance kneeling in front of one of the graves*

Zoey's pov- who is she visiting? *future harper leaves the grave*

Wyatt,zoey&Topher's Pov- I wonder who that is

Savannah's Pov- we are about to find out *Zoey,wyatt,topher&Savannah investigate the grave future harper was at*

Zoey's pov- Griffin's!?!?!?

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