A Bad Judge Of Time

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Griffin&Chloe's Pov- Harper are you sure our moms a ghost?

Harper-I'm positive

Griffin's Pov- did she look old?

Harper's Pov-she looks like she does now

Griffin&Chloe's Pov-that has to mean it happens soon

Harper's Pov- yeah

*griffin,harper,wyatt,Zoey,Topher and Sarah&Ben head to the springs to relax*

Ben's pov-where are the twins I thought they were with you

Griffin&Chloe's Pov- I'm sure they're on their way

Ben's pov-speaking of the devils where were you?

Wyatt,Zoey&Topher's Pov- we were just hanging out

Ben's pov- not in the basement right?

Topher's Pov - of course not that'd be wrong

Sarah's pov- uhhhh ben

Ben's pov- yeah

Sarah's pov- the water is scalding

*Harper&Griffin&Chloe listen in on Ben and Sarah's conversation*

Griffin's Pov-mom?!? *griffin and Ben run over to her with a towel*

Sarah's pov-the water was boiling hot*she has a burn mark on her leg*

*meanwhile savannah tries to get to 2020 but the hatch is chained shut and Mrs.Barker says 'the banging the banging'  Savannah ends up going to 1947 and runs into Judge Walker and Daisy Treemont*

Daisy's pov-Savannah?

Savannah's Pov-Daisy......wow you look amazing

Daisy's pov- I'm 31 now

Savannah's Pov- why are you working here......especially for that awful judge

Daisy's pov- I know the man stole the land from my family but I saw a job opening and I had to take it

Ruby's Pov- momma

Daisy's pov- yes baby

*back in 2020 Harper,Griffin&Chloe talk to Sam about all the weird things that have happened to griffins mom and decide to visit Savannah instead of her coming to them*

Savannah's Pov- you guys!!!! I've missed you!!!!!!

Griffin,Harper&Chloe's Pov-we've missed you too Sav

Savannah's Pov- I know who the ghost is

Griffin,Harper&Chloe's Pov-who is it?

Savannah's Pov- It's Judge Walker and he is awful

*Back in 2020 Ben talks to Jess and Sarah overhears*
Ben's pov- how's your leg

Sarah's pov-it's fine

Ben's pov- good

Sarah's pov- you lied to me ben

Ben's pov-what?

Sarah's pov-  I heard you and Jess talking......you promised that you believed me when I told you what happened in the springs and you didn't

Ben's pov- I do believe you

Chloe&Griffin's Pov- is everything okay?

Sarah&Ben's pov-yeah griff nothing to worry about

Griffin&Chloe's Pov- we've seen our parents argue before but nothing like this

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