3 • Applying Medicine

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With my thumping loud heartbeats, trembling legs, I was walking towards the dark side of the palace. My destination was Rajkumaar Veer's chamber.

With each steps, the darkness started to increase. The number of guards started to be less. And the amount of my fear, started to increase.

'Remember, only one mistake and your life will be taken' I remembered Nidhi's words. And her words made me more scared. I learnt that Rajkumaar is kind but killing someone for one mistake was harsh. Very harsh? Was it true?

I pressed my lips tightly and started to walk faster as I was also told to be present in time. Rajkumaar likes disciplines. His workers were bounded by rules.

After fighting with my uncontrollable thoughts, I finally reached my destination, stood in front of the expensive wooden door. It was supposed to his chamber as I almost reached to the end of the palace. I wonder why did he choose this dark and lonely place? There were no guards to be seen.

I felt the tightness in my chest when I knocked on the door. Once. Twice. Thrice. No answer came. I was welcomed with the silence only. Should I go back? But it won't be good then. I needed to serve his food.

I thought of knocking one last time. And this time I heard his voice.

" Who is it? "

I heard his voice. Closing my both eyes, I started to chant God's name. Why am I even scared? He saved you Payal. He saved you. He won't harm you.

" Did you die outside? Answer me " He called again and this time I came to my senses. I forgot to answer him.

" A... Apka.... Khana.... Le... Ayi thi.. " I stuttered very badly.

( brought your food)

" Come inside " He commanded.

With a push, I opened the heavy door of his chamber and stepped inside. My nostrils hit the floral fragrance. Even the air felt so rich here. My eyes quickly roamed around the whole chember. The walls were dark but filled with so many expensive patterns and desings. There was a big couch. A big bed. Royalty was screaming from every corner.

I could not stop myself from gawking at this beautiful chamber. It was my first time being inside of any Prince's chamber.

" You forgot your work " Suddenly a voice broke my riverie. I did not need to look for the owner of the voice. The weight of the voice was enough to make me scared.

" Ji... Apka... Khana.. "

( your food)

I said, fixing my eyes on ground. At this point, even the floor looked so beautiful to me as I couldn't look at the man, owner of this chamber.

I knew that there was a figure in front of me and I felt like he turned around.

" Pehle pranam kiya jata hai. "

Prince's Hidden Page: A Forbidden RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now