43 • Veer Stood Against Of His Lineage

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I stood in the stable and gazed absently at my horse. I was feeding him the dry grasses. As his teeth tear into the dry grass, the sound of his contented crunching filling the air. His eyes are soft and brown, seem to hold a wisdom that I can only envy. He seems calm.  I feel a pang of envy, wishing I could be as peaceful, as carefree, as this creature.

But my mind is elsewhere, consumed by thoughts of Payal, and the darkness that threatens to tear us apart.

My heart could not help but kept on thinking about my life which was spiraling out of control.

Baba could not do this to me. But he still did. And now I'm scared what will happen to my payal when her name will come in light.

Anything can happen. She was already so insecure. She has always blamed herself for this love. She claims it as a forbidden love. I'm scared that she will blame herself forever. And I can't accept that.

My heart was having the storm of thoughts. I was cought up in a mess which was coming to gulp me now. But then suddenly I felt something werid. An urge to see Payal. Where is she?

My eyes looked towards the palace. She must be there, working. But still I was not in peace. Is she really okay?

I sighed. This won't happen like this. I need to see her right now. My eyes need to see if she's okay or not. So without fighting with my thoughts anymore, i took steps towards the palace.

But something was very weird in today's atmosphere. These corridors of palace seemed to be darker than usual today.

I ran my feet quickly this time. Now I was somehow sure that something wrong is happening. I led my legs to her room straight and found out that was empty. No one was present there. Some workers were looking at me with weird eyes but just as I looked back at them, they left.

First I thought to ask about her but then dropped that thought too. I was somehow scared of payal's safety.

" R... Rajkumar.." suddenly a broken voice hit my ears. I turned around and found a maid coming towards me, joining her both hands and crying.

I looked at her keenly only to find that she is the same girl whom I have seen with payal for multiple times.

" Rajkumar..." She took some steps more to me & i stayed silent.

" Payal... payal.. " she could not finish her words after that one name. But my heart was having a cyclone right now.

" What?" I asked her suddenly. " Payal what?"

My voice became high automatically and that girl cried more.

" Payal ko woh le ....gaye.."

( They took payal)

My heart sank & world felt like crashing down around me. "Who took her?" I demanded, my voice low and menacing. "Who dared to touch her?"

The thing I was scared of, finally happened..

The girl infront of me, trembled, her eyes streaming with tears. "Those guards..." I fisted my both hands.

" They came and took her away. She was screaming, fighting, but they didn't listen. They just dragged her away "

My mind raced, my thoughts a jumbled mix of fear, anger, and desperation. I felt like I was going to explode at anytime. Something like my heart was going to burst out of my chest. I took a step closer to the girl, my eyes blazing with intensity.

"Where did they take her?" I growled, my voice barely felt like a human now. "Tell me!"

The girl cowered, her eyes wide with fear. "To maharaj"

I didn't wait to hear her more. Turning around, I just ran, my feet pounding on the ground, my heart pounding in my chest.

My mind even denied to imagine what could happen to payal. But one thing was sure, i will not leave anyone if anything happens to her. None will be spared.

I entered in the royal hall just to witness the horror infront of my eyes. The scene which I have never imagined to see. My..my payal was standing against the sword. And the sword belonged to none but my own dad.

" What is happening here?" I stepped in, my voice echoing in the chamber. All the eyes turned to me.

But I looked at none. My eyes met with payal only. Her teary, tired eyes broke my soul. I blinked looking at her and tried to tell her to be calm. But maybe all my attempts were going in vain.

" accha hua ki ap bhi agaye.." my eyes looked at my father just as he stated that.

( It's good that you have come now)

I saw his gaze which was a burning inferno of hate, a fierce and unbridled rage that seemed to sear through me like a hot blade.

" Abh khudke aankho ke samne hi isko marte hue dekhna "

( Now watch her dying infront of your eyes )

He threatened me. I fisted my hands in anger and looked at him with fierce intensity. Every muscle in my body was tensed, coiled like a spring ready to snap.

I couldn't breathe, couldn't think, couldn't see anything except Payal, her fragile and helpless figure, surrounded by my father and the guards.

My mind was a jumble of snarling, snapping thoughts, a chaotic mix of fury and fear. In a swift I snatched a sword from one of the guards and held it straight saying,

" Marta hua to tab dekhenge jab hum aapko use marne denge "

( Will watch her dying when I will let you kill her)

I couldn't bear the thought of anyone laying a hand on her, of anyone hurting her. And I knew I won't let that happen at any cost.

" Veer!!" Baba roared infront of me but that didn't cause even a little bit change in my position.

" I am giving you a chance to think once again. You're a royal prince, our royal blood is flowing in your veins son! And she? She is just a mere maid who trapped you in her game of love! Think once again "

He added pointing at payal,

" She is a shameless girl. A wh#ore, don't know with how many men she had slept with?! You're accepting such a low girl?"

" You have said enough " I cut him off, my heart searing with intense pain and anger.

" She is my wife. I love her. She is my love " I stated matching eyes with everyone who was present in the hall.

Every insult, every cruel remark, felt like a dagger stabbing into my soul. My mind was now a maelstrom of emotions, a turbulent sea of rage and despair. This kingdom, palace and throne, everything was my duty. And on the other side, there was Payal, my love.

"She? She is going to die in my hands " his voice reverberated through the chamber. His sword hovered perilously close to Payal's delicate neck. A gasp escaped from Payal's trembling lips.

My heart raced, witnessing the harrowing scene before my eyes. I cursed the cruel world that could not understand our boundless love. I stood frozen between love and duty.

With trembling hands, I held my sword and raised the blade, facing not just my father but the king, my entire linage.

" If she gets even a small scratch " my voice echoed in the hushed chamber, " No one will remain standing with their heads attached " I warned. I knew I wasn't lying. I was ready to stand against of my own blood, just for my love.


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