29 • Payal Creates Distance

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I groaned in frustration and went to open the door. Opening the door, I found my father standing with two attendees. Without any word, my father stepped inside of my chamber.

My heart beats ran with speed when he took more steps. Payal is inside. I had to stop him from moving more.

Taking a big step, I stood in front of him and stopped him from moving. "What happened baba? "

His old eyes got wrinkles when he smiled a little. But his smile wasn't anything pleasant for me. I frowned looking at him and waited for his words to be revealed.

" Finally I got another letter from Shratangarh. King is coming with his son and daughter. " I rolled my eyes suddenly when those words hit my ears. Again... He is again going to tell me that.

" What happened? Why aren't you happy? " He asked. Oh... Does he even see that I'm not happy?

" I don't find any reasons to be happy. " I said and parted my eyes to the main door where two attendees were standing and actually looking at us, hearing to us.
" Baba... " I lowered my voice for the next words as I didn't want those attendees to hear how I react to my father's words. "Baba... Please don't come to my chamber for this nonsense" I said.

The change of his facial expression was so visible. In no time, the man who was smiling, started to glare at me. Suddenly the air also filled with thick tension. And I stood before him, whose eyes blazed with an otherworldly fire.

" princess Shraddha is coming. You have to welcome her. Your marriage is fixed with her"
The king's voice thundered, "this alliance will strengthen our reign!"

I bit my inner cheek hearing about that disgusting alliance. Only Payal's face flashed in my memories. This kingdom, this throne, this royal region nothing matter to me more than my love. And my love was she. My Payal. I glanced at the anklet which I tied on my wrist. My secret love ached shadow in my heart. No... I could not do this to her. I can't betray her.

" It's good that you're silent " My eyes shifted to him again when he said. " I want you to be silent all the time and follow what I say "

I clenched my jaws. Anger surged in my body. I was just his slave. Has he ever taken me as his child? "Leave" I did not even think before stating that word. My voice was deep & unemotional.

" Leave from my chamber " I added.

And suddenly his demonic aura flared, the walls of the palace shuddered unders his wrath. " Work on your manners and remember you cannot defy me! I am the king. These walls belong to me, the kingdom belongs to me. " He roared, his voice echoing like a tempest through the hall. "Just like the way, I can give you the power, the throne, in the same way I can even snatch it"

His eyes held a piercing shade of obsidian, held a depth that was terrifying. When he unleashed his fury, it was signalling a storm.

But as if I care?

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