11 • Is He In Love?

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She is impossible. She just ran out like that. Doing that to me. I washed my mouth for uncountable times. Just let her come once! Let me find her. I'll just... just... Ugh I don't know what will I do. But I'll surely do something. I'll tie her with me & disturb her forever.

How can she push that dirty cloth in my mouth.... Seriously... In my mouth....

It's been hours since she left the chamber and isn't coming anymore but I'm just thinking about her. She never leaves my head. It's not about today just. It's about everyday...

She just doesn't leave my mind & thoughts.

Roaming in my chamber, I found nothing to do. So I stepped out of my chamber & led my steps to Stavya's chamber. Well, his chamber was in the opposite direction from my chamber. He literally chose the another corner of the palace. Like me.

What we both brother had in common, was finding solace in staying alone. I really hated it at first when any attendee or guards used to be present in front of my chamber. I really did not like anyone's arrival like that.

But what shocked me was,  I didn't care when Payal comes in my chamber or stays near me. Moreover I feel like to keep her always near me. Even after what she did today.

Everything was so different with her. My system, my rules everything change for her.

A chuckle left from my mouth. " She is cute " I muttered under my breath

Not Payal. Her name should be,


( mad)

A cute mad girl!

I raised a brow for myself and thought how can I give names to someone. I had always hated all these things. Why is everything changing all sudden? How can you have so much power to change my rules Payal?

And then I just found out that I wasn't just thinking about her. She, herself was present in front of my eyes. When my eyes fall on the garden area, I found her standing in the middle of the garden. She looking at the sky with a smiling face.

Why is she smiling? And what is she upto?

And then slowly the sky started pouring. It started raining and I saw payal enjoying the raindrops on her face.

Payal, with her arms spread wide, embracing the tender caress of the rain. Her face was turned upwards, and raindrops glistened on her skin like a thousand tiny diamonds. She was smiling, a smile that seemed to hold a secret conversation with the skies.

She looked so alive, so fresh, so carefree and specially so happy. Her happiness seemed to do something in me. I could not understand when I started smiling too.

The raindrops clung to her like jewels. My heart raced. The sight of Payal, so free, so alive, ignited a warmth within me that contrasted the cool touch of the rain. My eyes weren't leaving her sight. I did not want to break the magic of the moment. And within this time, while adoring her, I realized that maybe a love had bloomed. Why am I so attracted to her?

Prince's Hidden Page: A Forbidden RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now