18 • Guests Are Arriving In Chandrapur

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With that pink cheeks and shy smile, I ran out of his chamber. His words were still ringing in my ears. I doubt if it was all real or not. He likes me? Me? Meeee!! I felt like screaming, dancing and what not. I could not believe. Anything. Nothing.

I was standing outside of his chamber, near his door. Suddenly I heard some footsteps. Maybe he was coming. Oh no...i need to hide. I can't afford looking at me. I was flushed. All red. Dipped in blush. If I meet him again, even only for a few seconds, I will die. Without waiting & waiting my time, I ran from the area.

When I was little far from his chamber, I stopped, catching my breaths. Just then I noticed how misplaced my dupatta was. I was like this in front of him? And I was laying down. He was laying down too. And he was above me. I was under him. I closed my eyes & palmed my face.

Payal you need to get out that. Otherwise you will keep on roaming like this, being shy for your rest of the life. I shook my head & as well as those thoughts and started walking.

I fixed my dupatta as well. And just then I heard some whispers. The whole corridor was muttering something. I looked here & there, towards the workers. Their eyes on me only.

I gulped. Their gazes were making me nervous. I decided to not look at any of them & started walking again. But their words could not leave my ears.

" She spent the whole night in prince's chamber "
" I think she is seducing our prince "
" Who is she at first? "
" She doesn't even look good, is rajkumaar a blind? "

Tears almost collected in my eyes. I am not that cheap.

Just a few minutes ago, those words which were making me shy, excited & happy, now started poke in my chest. I should not have listened to him..... I should just stay away.... Yes I don't even look good.. And he is the prince. The great & eldest prince of Chandrapur. I'm just scar that he got that night. I should have learnt my worth before spending last night in his chamber.

My steps fumbled but I didn't want to shed tears in front of anyone. Specially in front of them.

Suddenly I felt a grip on my forearm. At first it felt firm but when I looked up & met the eyes, the grip became gentle.

" Chandni " A tear fall from my eyes.

She quickly wiped that & pulled me in a hug. "Payal" Her voice was shaky. I could feel her high heart beats. What happened to her?

" Oh my God. Bhagwaan ji ka lakh lakh shukar hai tu thik hai... Main bohot darr gyi thi.. "

( thank god that you're fine. I was very scared)

I smiled and some more tears fall down. I wrapped my hands around her. Atleast she likes me, doesn't think like others.

" I am okay " I said.

Prince's Hidden Page: A Forbidden RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now