38 • A Bath Together

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" Come... Come inside" He forwarded me the rest of the way. And i entered in the Royal bathroom. I witnessed it for the first time.

It was luxurious and with opulent space. Some specific areas were decorated with pure gold. In one word it looked beautiful.

Suddenly breaking my view, rajkumaar handed me a white thin cloth. I looked at with questioning eyes and asked, "what? "

" For you"

" For me? "

He nodded before saying, " You have to bath wearing this. All the princess do that "

I gulped and became red. I can't wear it and show him. ...

" I am n... not a princess " I looked away in shyness and he gave me a squeeze on my arm saying, "I'm making you my queen then. Go and wear, don't be shy"

I inhaled hardly and took that from him. "Where to change? " Asked I. He pointed towards a way and I went there.

Changing my saree I wrapped that around me.

And then I entered in the bathing area . My hands were holding the white cloth tightly on my chest. But after getting the splashes of water on it, it started to linger on my skin.  And started to reveal my skin through the cloth.

I sat on the stairs and he was beside me. My eyes were fixed on him while he seemed busy to prepare those pastes. I looked at those pretty bowls with different pastes and fragrance. Was it even necessary for me?

And then suddenly my all thoughts died when Rajkumaar Veer turned to me, his eyes fixed on mine. I took a sharp breath and all sudden I could feel my cheeks being pink. I was hardly wearing anything, somehow wrapping my body with this cloth which was getting sheer as well now.

I gulped when he took one of my hand in his grip. I shuddered under his touch, at first was hesitant but his eyes gave me comfort.

With gentle touch, he started to rub one of the paste on my arms.

I parted my lips and watched the pink paste being applied on my skin.

When he was done with my left hand, asked for the another hand. Slowly I let go my hand from the cloth and extended it to him. He did the same with my right hand but his eyes were fixed stubbornly on mine. That intense gaze was too much to ignore. I could not continue looking for him, and looked down.

Our breaths were hitting each other's skin, making the atmosphere more hot. The heat was somehow passing from skin to skin.

I felt him leaving my hand and coming closer to me this time. I closed my eyes being nervous, couldn't understand what can happen. Slowly he parted my hair and kept it on one shoulder. His fingers touched my back, slowly rubbing the paste there.

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