Chapter 15

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The man with the other three paramedics screamed with black smoke coming out of their mouths and going through the vents leaving the floor empty. "So, you do know what is going on" Carine said smiling softly "I had an idea of sort besides I'm stilling trying to figure out what you all are'' Dean said They then hear outside the bathroom Katniss *gasps* "we can talk more about this at the house for now let's get out of here we can tell the cops that someone tried to kidnap you kids" "Oh wait!" Rory said, running towards her locker, getting a bag of clothes out and going next to the wolf that was panting a bit from all the fighting of the three paramedics. "You can transform back now Jana everything is all good" Rory told the wolf softly then the wolf transformed into a ripped clothed Jana. She was breathing hard "a little help would be nice" Jana remarked as she reached her hand out for help and Rory helped her up by throwing the clothes at her "you're lucky I still have your clothes from last time" Jana just nodded and went back into the bathroom changing. "Uh are you guys forgetting something?" Dean remarked and the rest of the women looked at him confused "Katniss?!" The girls said at the same time running to the girl's bathroom. Katniss was still knocked out, but her breathing was now even "so what happened exactly?" Lorelai asked walking around the bathroom softly without trying not to walk on the glass. "Wellll" "the truth Lorelai the third '' Lorelai tells Rory sternly and Dean looked at them confused. "It's a long story" she told him, and he just nodded "ah right". "What happened was that well I don't actually know just that she said a name and-" "what name?" Carine asked abruptly "Snow' she said 'Snow" Dean told them sternly "Yeah she said 'Snow' and then her head seemed to be hurting so she asked the teacher to come in here for some reason I couldn't hear her like usual it was like something or someone was blocking my powers from her side" Rory said "the classroom windows and everything else broke and some black birds flew in with a giant wind spinning inside then we came in here after the principal announced to evacuate and then those demons came with Jana'' Dean finished for her. Both the moms looked at each other worried "why would she say that what were you guys doing in class?" Carine said while going down to put Katniss on her legs to try to gently smooth her hair "we were watching a World War I video in History she seemed fine before that talking fine but whatever you did to her last night made her brain fuzzy she hardly remembers anything from going to the diner with Dean to waking up this morning" Rory said which definitely caught Dean's attention "what did you do to us last night I don't remember much either just things here and there" Dean said. "Can we please just focus on getting Katniss out of here before those demons come back, I barely have enough salt shells in my rifle after shooting the ones trying to overtake Jana and we can tell you the whole truth Dean if you help us that is" Lorelai said worried looking at her niece and daughter at the same time. They all nodded when Dean was about to pick up Katniss, Jana then came out of the stalls in a totally different outfit and Katniss' eyes opened quickly and her eyes were flashing green and black in a matter of seconds. "Woah what's happening?" Jana asked a bit worried and scared at the same time everyone just shrugged when suddenly some different paramedics came in rushing with some police officers "hey what's going on?'' "Put your hands up and step away from the girl!" the police officer yelled at the group, and they all moved away with their hands up "Не разбираш какво става!" ("You don't understand what's going on!")  Carine yelled to the cops "what?" the sheriff said and they put their guns down "Не разбираш, че тя има нужда от помощ" ("You don't understand that she needs help") Lorelai then said going up to the cops with her hands still up "Please let us go sir me and my friends almost got kidnapped by some people dressed as paramedics they knocked my friend out while she tried calling our moms" Rory said softly the cops then looked at Rory nodded and ordered everywhere while the real paramedics picked Katniss up putting her on a gurney and they all run outside to get her to the hospital with Carine while Lorelai, Rory, Jana, and Dean left in her car to the hospital.

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