Chapter 46

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"Woah, woah hold on, you want to use your powers, the ones that almost killed everyone like 2 hours ago?" Sam asked defensively, almost going in front of her face "Well my magic may have or maybe not killed her, all we know is that she had my tiara after I had the power blast" Katniss told him sternly. Stiles went in front of Katniss "She knows what she is doing so let her make it up if you still trust her because I trust Katilina with my whole being and if you don't like it then leave no one needs you here" he told Sam with a bit of a evil spirit in his voice and his eyes flashed orange and Sam backed off a bit. "Do we even have the ingredients or the equipment for it?" Shannon asked "Let's hope so" Jana said, grabbing Katniss' bag from the ground going towards the three arguing people "Can we not argue and just get this girl back to life" Rory said walking towards the group "Isn't that dangerous?" Lane asked. Everyone then went to the tree bark and made a circle "Maybe but it's worth a try" Katniss said going on her knees and getting her bag from Jana taking out candles and herbs "Was that always in there?" Rhydian asked "No it comes in desperate times the only thing we are missing is-" *poof* the spell book appeared in the middle of Gabriella's body "the book" Jana finishing saying "Every time" Rory said in a annoyed voice then looked at Katniss who then passed everyone a candle "Everyone just put it on the bark tree and hold hands while I read the book and put the herbs together" she told them which they all did and listened while she was looking through the book for the spell that she was looking for but it was hard since there was over thousands of spells in it. Katniss then passes matches to the group while still looking for the spell "How can I not find this dang spell?!" she says very frustrated "Why not try another spell to find it?" Stiles suggested "You mean a spell to find what she wants?" Rory asked "Exactly" he said "Okay" Katniss said looking through the book to find the spell "I may know the words to the spell already without the book" Jana said "What is it?!" Everyone asked her impatiently "Hold on" Jana gets up and takes Katniss' notebook looking through it "Here read this" she said, giving the book back pointing at a vile of words that had weird drawings around it. "Are you sure about this?" Shannon asked looking over Katniss' shoulder "This is not a spell it's just weird phases I used to say as a kid and the drawings are me doodling when I'm bored" Katniss explained "Have you ever thought maybe not everything you did as a kid was nonsense?" Rory asked "What do you-" "Just read it already" Jana said cutting Katniss off "Okay okay" she whispered closing her eyes softly "Ostende mihi quid maxime faciam ad vires meas et conservandas" (Show me what I need to do to save my magic and this person) Katniss saying and the spell book opened and the pages starting flipping on its own while green mist came out of her fingertips and everyone holds hands strongly. *Thud* The book finally stopped at the page in need and everyone gasps when they see Katniss' hair having the purple streak grow more a bit then Katniss opened her eyes and looked at the spell with a confused look "What's wrong?" Jana said letting go of Shannon and Rhydian's hands sitting down on the dirt with her dress under legs "I have to use my blood to bring her back to life" Katniss said a bit frustrated "That's going to work is it huh?" Shannon asked "Well I need three of what I am kind of blood to bring her back to life since I can't ask my mom and aunt Lorelai for their two power bloods" Katniss said "Wait you need blood of a banshee, siren, werewolf, vampire and witch?" Rory asked, confused. "Not exactly" Katniss said standing up, "Why don't you just grab the hands that you need for blood and save the girl to get it over with?" Lane asked sitting on her knees which everyone just nods and sits on their knees opening up their palms that they need to get blood from while Katniss still is standing and put the herbs on Gabriella's body "Now for the blood" Katniss looks at the book while unconsciously grab the hands her powers knows to get "Hoc sanguine utere, animam perditam ducam ad vitam" (Use this blood, I will bring the lost soul to life) Katniss repeats at least a couple times after all the supernaturals release blood *Gasps* "Oh my god".

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